City Museum of Trier in the monastery of St. Simeon Photo: City Museum of Trier in the monastery of St. Simeon

City Museum of Trier is located in the former convent of St. Simeon, to the left of the Porta nigra gate. The basis of its extensive permanent exhibition came from private collections, donated by well-known people. Creation of a municipal Museum began in 1830 with the collection of paintings, sculptures and ceramics, donated to the city by P. Hermes. In subsequent years the Museum has been enriched with collections of weapons, household items, art works from the residents of the city.

In an area of 1000 square meters are exhibits that reflect the life, economy, culture and religion of Trier from the early middle ages to the present. Among the most interesting subjects - the layout of the city showing its appearance in 1800, and one of the original medieval characters Trier — stone cross, from the 10th century stood on the market square.

Of interest is the collection of Coptic textiles from 3rd to 9th centuries (about 300 items) and lighting from ancient times to the 20th century, a collection of Renaissance paintings and more. A curious exhibit of the Museum became a Golden Cup from which, according to urban legend, in 1804, drank local wine Napoleon.

The last major reconstruction and a significant expansion of the exhibition area of the city Museum of Trier in the monastery of St. Simeon was conducted in the late 20th — early 21st century. Modern collection view with interactive zones enriched multimedia presentations, models and guides in different languages. In addition to the permanent collection, the Museum hosts various exhibitions: artistic and thematic, dedicated to the history of the city.

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