The Statue Of The Virgin Mary Photo: A Statue Of The Virgin Mary

One of the most prominent sights of Trier – 40-meter statue of the virgin Mary. Situated on a high hill on the left Bank of the Moselle, it looks at the city from a height of three hundred meters. Today this statue is justly considered the highest building in the city.

The statue was built not so long ago, only in the 19th century, but its appearance had a special background: so, experts believe that one of the reasons can be considered the differences between Catholics and Protestants. Without going into details, it is worth noting that the statue was one of those monuments, which, as a rule, are of Trier in advertising and travel brochures, and simply put – one of the landmarks of the town.

The statue belongs to the neo-Gothic style: the characteristic features of its visible to the naked eye and expressed, primarily, in the image of Mary. Architect Christian Wilhelm Schmidt, who put his talented hands to create the project, suggested the use of sand and Roman bricks, making architectural monument is also interesting from the point of view of the construction of the object. Construction was begun in 1859 and completed in 1866. It is interesting that both the construction and future maintenance of the statue of the virgin Mary in excellent condition is produced exclusively by voluntary donations.

The statue of the virgin Mary – the highest observation deck, which promises a magnificent view of the city and an unforgettable experience for those who dare to climb to the top.

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