All saints cemetery in Plavsk Photo: all Saints cemetery in Plavsk

All saints cemetery in Plavsk was founded in the 19th century In the cemetery complex was also part of the all saints Church with five domes and a belfry, hospice (Home priznavaysa), the entrance gate. All saints cemetery out into the streets of Victory and October. The complex is a monument of culture.

Presumably all Saints cemetery was founded in 1861. The earliest discovered of the tombs is the tomb of 1868. Place under the cemetery took on pastures land on West from the village of St. Sergius. It was located in the village of Popovka, near the old Mtsensk road (today Oktyabrskaya street).

In the 1970s, the years of burial in the cemetery was discontinued. Records of burials here were not preserved. Found 27 tombstones 19th and early 20th centuries, among which the family burial site of the dealer Latyshev, merchants Perch, the wife of a merchant Cheremushkin B. F. (tombstone merchant moved in the St. Sergius Church).

The temple at all saints ' cemetery was laid in 1880 and was consecrated in 1892. It was built with funds provided by Prince S. S. Gagarin and merchant I. S. Sazonov. Building cemetery Church of all saints built in the eclectic nature with the details of the pseudo-Russian style. The basic tetrahedral volume, which is crowned with five deaf domes, around the perimeter surrounds the gallery. Gallery made in the form of arcades, the arches of which rest on an unusual form of double pilasters, carved from white stone. The East gallery is transformed into a tripartite apse. Under the building of the temple and the gallery has a vaulted basement, where they were arranged in the furnace that heated the Church. The Central part of the temple is lit through the Windows, stylized "Russian Baroque". The temple was in force until 1928. Today he is in a dilapidated condition.

Later the temple was built the bell tower, which is made in the pseudo-Russian style. In terms of the bell tower has a square shape. It is bunk and topped with deaf cupola, standing on a high sloping roof. The first tier of the bell tower was at the same time the main gates. The bell tower in the 1930s, was demolished.

On the right side of the bell tower was located the cemetery gates. They were built at the same time with the Church. The composition is symmetrical three-part gate. Over the Central part of the gate is a triangular pediment with now lost now embed the icon on the lateral projections made end by way of the attic. Gate to have survived, but are not in the best condition.

In the 1890s, merchant, B. F. Cheremushkin permission was granted for the construction of the "House Priznavaysa" or almshouses. On the construction of this building merchant has allocated 12 million rubles. Also merchant Sazonov on an alms-house was bequeathed to 25 thousand rubles. The building of the "House Priznavaysa" – a two-storey, completed by a triangular pediment. In the interior it is still preserved cast at the factory Teplyakova metal staircase. Today this building is a house.

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