Geological outcrop Photo: geological outcrop "White mountain" in Plavsk

The outcrop of the "White mountain" is the current geological natural monument of regional significance. Located in plavsko district, on the northwestern outskirts of Plavsk, on the left Bank of the Melt.

The total area of this geological object is 2, 5 hectares. It has important scientific value as geological structure, which shows the stratotype section Malevsky and Ozersk-khovanskys Carboniferous sediments. The outcrop of the "White mountain" is a valuable biological object containing community North North meadow steppes are characterized by rare species of animals and plants.

"White mountain", as attention-grabbing natural object, was known since the early 20th century and is mentioned by Rosen V. V. in his "List of plants found in the province of Tula until 1916". In 2003 were conducted Botanical and soil-Ekologicheskie research object. The insect fauna was studied by L. B. Bolshakov, V. Dorofeeva, flora I. S. Sheremetyeva.

Natural monument is located in Central black earth region Tula region and lies at the basis of the radical left slope of the river Plava, in her abrupt bend. Soil natural monument presents leached chernozems. On steep slopes due to the intense destruction of soil layer is absent or underdeveloped. Most of the slope is occupied by the Northern steppe phytocenoses. On limestone outcrops developed calciphilous community with a predominance of clean sharp, thyme Marshall and other. There are about 168 species of plants, including rare and listed in the Red book the field: onecnc branched, spring Adonis (Adonis), Siberian milkwort, leafless iris, feather, haircut, baby's high, feather grass, flax yellow, purple mullein, globe Thistle, spirea crenate, onion yellowing, Oxytropis hairy. Entomofauna natural monument presents 372 species of Lepidoptera and dozens of representatives from other groups. Golubenko Alkon is included in the IUCN Red list (International Union for conservation of nature).

On the territory of the nature monument is prohibited to cameratrack; change of hydrological regime of the river water, which could threaten flooding outcrops; to arrange the corrals.

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