The Admiralty of the Museum-reserve Photo: Admiralty Museum-reserve "Polenovo"

Manor life V. D. Polenov not be imagined without the river. So Polenovs there was a real river flotilla. For her winter storage specially built a house. The flotilla consisted of punts, keel boats, one was a four-pair. In the winter, the Admiralty small boats were put down on the grate stood "EILATAN" (the name of the wife Polenov Vice versa), which was the pride of the whole flotilla, and "picks" – punt, similar to Olonets.

The Admiralty building is timber-framed construction with infill stone with high gambrel roof and Dormer Windows. Now in the Admiralty building hosts exhibitions of contemporary artists, also you can see the unique work of V. D. Polenov – Diorama. A diorama is a transparent picture, which was invented by the French painter Daguerre. Pattern can be changed by changing the direction of light on the back or front. Vasily thought, changing landscapes, mountains, Marina, street, is something akin to magic.

On a diorama Polenov started with a passion to work in old age is seventy-six years. As a result of his work appeared one after another new paintings. They were quite diverse. The diorama consisted of a round-the-world journey that began from the banks of the Oka river: the steamboat and the audience would go for it – first in daylight and then in the evening; then the train during the day goes through the bridge and comes in the evening to the station. Then follow the painting of the Moscow Kremlin, galleries of Admenta, a train going through Germany, before the eyes float past ancient German castles, tannhäuser, Tungsten, Bavaria, coach, hotel, Goethe and Schiller on foot. Then to Venice, Italy, the Doge's Palace in the afternoon, masquerade and gondolas – at night. Naples, Rome, mount Vesuvius, mountain, Switzerland, Saint Bernard, France, Seine, Paris, Notre Dame Cathedral and fireworks. Then again return to their homeland – Russia: Ukraine, Crimea, Black sea, the lighthouse. Then the Bosphorus, ships and steamers. Egypt – 6 canvases, Palestine, India, East Asia, elephants, China, illumination, lanterns. In North America, the road passes along the Cordillera in the South through the virgin forest, the Amazon. Back in Russia, the viewer finds himself in a provincial town, then he sees Petersburg, Anichkov bridge, the Academy of fine arts, the beginning of the Russian winter. Diorama ends Christmas tree with children's fun.

Many wanted to have such a diorama. To do this the artist is not difficult. Take the box, back and front walls removed, to create the effect of day and night lighting cover is raised or lowered accordingly.

Polenov worked on his paintings from morning to evening. He returned home in the twilight – tired, but happy and creative enthusiasm. He is strongly imbued with the idea to show people unknown natural phenomena, to see the city and the country. Work on the diorama was completed in the 1920s But still this is an amazing sight continues to captivate visitors of the Museum-estate of the artist.

In our day diorama stored in a memorial way, only light Ogarkov and kerosene lamps that were used by Vasiliy, replaced by electric light. The text that explains the picture, very close to the author's text.

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