The Church of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary in Monastyrshino Photo: Church of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary in Monastyrshino

Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary in the village of monastyrshchino has great historical value, as a memorial of the events of the battle of Kulikovo. According to the legend, at the location of the village of Monastyrshino after the battle the Russian army had buried the dead in the battle of warriors. There then built a wooden Church of oak Green oak forests. According to the legend, the Royal doors of the iconostasis for gave St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Before at that place there was a stone Church here was built a wooden Church in honor of the feast of the Nativity of the blessed virgin. The construction of the stone Church began in 1850. The Church was erected by the project of architect A. Bocharnikova. This process took many years, since the construction was carried out on the donations of the poor parishioners.

From 1867 to 1875 the years we have built a bell tower and a chapel in honour of the Archangel Michael. The construction of the main part of the Church because of the lack of funds continued only in 1879.

On the eve of the celebration of the 500 anniversary of the battle of Kulikovo (in 1880) the newspaper "Rus" appealed to its readers with an appeal on the necessity of collecting donations for the temple, speaking about "the historical significance of the temple as a monument of the victory in the battle of Kulikovo. Among the benefactors of the Church were made by the Emperor Alexander II, Tula governorate Zemstvo, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the landowners of the area of Kulikovo field.

The main temple is a one-apse odnoletnii bushel, standing under the octagon, it faces the end Gables, with a bell tower and refectory. After the construction was finished it began to hold regular memorial services for fallen soldiers. And since 1901 to celebrate the victory in the battle of Kulikovo from the temple held a procession to the red hill.

In the 1930s, the Church was closed, icons and Church utensils were destroyed, something was plundered by the local population, the Church building was used for the needs of the grain warehouse. The Church was restored in the 1980's to the next anniversary of the battle of Kulikovo, then the building of the temple was occupied by the Museum, since the 1990s, the Church is shared between the Museum and the community of believers, does not have a permanent parish.

On the Church's territory is located the building of the Museum exhibition titled "the battle of Kulikovo". The main events in the temple are: the Day of military glory on 15 September and the feast day on September 21.

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