Csantos Photo: Csantos

To the South-East of Fethiye (distance 65 km) on top of the hill are the ruins of Xanthos – the ancient city. From the top of the hill on which the ruins are located, is an extraordinary spectacular view of the river valley Esen.

About the city of Xanthos said in ancient Greek myth tells the story of the Bellerophon and the flying horse Pegasus. In Xanthone was a king IObit and Glaucus, grandson of Bellerophon. In Homer's Iliad Glaucus acts as licita who fought for the Trojans.

After carrying out archaeological excavations in the town have been discovered finds Dating from the 8th century BC, However, the first Xanthos mentioned in the Chronicles of the conquest of Lycia by the Persian commander attacked Harpagus (540 BC). After the army of Harpagus surrounded the city, the defenders realized that they are in a hopeless situation. They decided to set fire to the city, along with their homes, possessions, wives, children and slaves, while they continued to struggle. Managed to survive only 8 families, as they at this time was outside of the city. These families have returned to restore the burnt city.

In 333 BC the city was captured by Alexander the great. After the death of Alexander city owned Antigonus, and after him Antiochus III. When Antiochus III Xanthos was the capital of the Lycian Union. A little later Xanthos, like the rest of Lycia, controlled the Rhodes.

In 42 BC, in Rome civil war raged, and the city was sieged. He was surrounded by the troops of Brutus, and the history of the city again, he was set on fire. But the city was destined again to recover, and Xanthos became even better than it was. The Emperor Vespasian in the years of his reign, ordered the construction of a magnificent city gate, which was named after him. With the onset of the Byzantine period in Xanthone reigned diocese. In the 7th century, the city increasingly began to attack the Arabs, so residents left the city.

In 1842 Charles Fellowes, British traveler, was found in the ruins of the surviving sculptures and statues that were sent to the British Museum in London.

The entrance to the city is decorated with monumental Arch of Vespasian, and near the Arch are the Hellenistic gate. On top of this gate was found the entry, stating that Antiochus III had dedicated the city of Xanthos gods, the patron Saint of Lycia – Artemis, Summer and Apollo. A little further (to the right of the road) was occupied by the Monument of the Nereids. Referring back to the 4th century B. C. Today it is kept in the British Museum.

City Acropolis, surrounded on three sides by walls (5th century BC), located on the banks of the river eschen. The appearance of the fourth wall was already in the Byzantine period. In the Northern part of the Acropolis preserved Roman theatre, which was built on the site of the ancient Greek theatre. Near the theatre are the Lycian tombs. The altitude of the tomb of the Harpies is 8, 87 meters. Near it is the tomb (4th century), on which there is a copy of an embossed image of two fighting men, the original image is stored in the Archaeological Museum in Istanbul.

A little North of the Roman theatre originates Roman Agora, which is Czapski the obelisk Dating from 480-470 BC, the obelisk caused the longest inscription from among those records which have reached our time. The inscription, consisting of 250 lines, made in the Lycian language. The entry in the Lycian language is still not deciphered, but on recordings made in the Greek language can be understood that the obelisk was built in honor of the ancient fighter who emerged victorious in many fights and it was glorified by his family.

If you go along the path, which heads East from the Parking lot, we can come to is surrounded by a fence of a Byzantine Basilica. North of the Basilica on the hill is located the Byzantine monastery and a Roman Acropolis with its tombs and sarcophagi.

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