Perge Photo: Perge

City of Perge was founded after the Trojan war, and soon became a major port of Pamphylia. Left little information about the city before the arrival of Alexander the great in 333 BC, the Inhabitants of Perge themselves opened the gates and allowed the commander to use the city as a military point of reference. In 133 BC the city of Perge became part of the Roman Empire. It is during the rule of the Romans the town began to grow and prosper. Perge is famous by the fact that here first read his sermon the Apostle Paul.

City theatre the Greek-Roman type was built in the second half of the second century ad and could accommodate around 15 thousand spectators. The building consisted of two floors. The walls are decorated with bas-reliefs with images of Dionysus and Centrose. Even today you can see fragments of these decorations. All the seats for the audience is split into two sections with thirteen speed spaced seats. The Romans used the building of the theatre for gladiatorial combat. On the outside wall of the theater was built a fountain. Before the house is U-shaped stadium, which is well preserved to our days. He, too, was built in the II century ad In the stadium could accommodate 12 thousand spectators.

Preserved sections of the walls of the city up to 12 meters. The southern gate, through which visitors come to town, also called "Roman gate". Right behind them are the Hellenistic gate (III century BC). On the edges of the gate are the towers of rounded shape with a ruined top and niches, in which are found during excavations of the sculpture. Outside the gate a small yard with niches in the walls. North side of the yard has three entrances. They are built in the form of a two-story approaches. In the niches of this input structures once stood statues of Roman emperors and empresses.

On the Eastern side of the Hellenistic gate is Pergusa Agora. It was built in the IV century B. C. the Agora surrounded by pillars, and on the perimeter are workshops and bedrooms. In the center is a round temple. On the South side of the Church. Recently conducted archaeological finding have been found well-preserved Roman baths, located in front of the Agora.

From the main gate to the Acropolis extends a wide, paved with marble, the Arcadian street with colonnades on both sides. In the middle of the street passes water channel two-meter-wide, and on either side were the stalls of the merchants. This main street intersects another, passing from East to West, from the extended West end where you can find the monumental ruins of the house. Palestra is a well-preserved structure, dedicated to the Emperor Claudius (41-54 ad HS ad). Around the city walls at the Western end of this street are the ruins of baths.

On the East side of the street, the Arcadian in the Byzantine era was built Episcopal Basilica with two naves. On the opposite side of the Arcadian at the foot of the Acropolis is the Nymphaeum (sacred spring), which is a semicircular structure, dated to the reign of Hadrian (130-150 A. D.). In the center of this huge fountain with a length of 21 meters and a width of 37.5 meters, stood the statue of the God of the river. On the territory of the fountain was discovered many different sculptures.

Immediately after nympheum on the hill was the Acropolis. Left of him at the very top of one unsightly building, which houses the remains of marble columns and vaulted ceilings.

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