Republican Museum of Battle Glory Photo: Republican Museum of Battle Glory

In honor of the 55th anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic war in Ufa opened a Museum dedicated to the heroic exploits of the Bashkir people. Located Republican Museum of Military Glory in one of the beautiful corners of the city – Victory Park, joining two military historical attractions in a single memorial.

Opened in may 2000, the Museum is divided into two main exhibits on the first floor - the life of Bashkortostan in the rear, and the second floor is entirely devoted to military actions of the Bashkir heroes. The pride of the Museum is impressive diorama with a warrior, writing his name on the wall of the Reichstag, and unique photographs, weapons, awards and uniforms.

Built specifically for the Museum building has the shape of a warship blend seamlessly into the exhibition of military equipment since world war II, located nearby. The author of the project of the building is D. A. Winkelmann, in collaboration with architects, P. A. Winkelman, L. N. Varypaeva, M. G. and O. V. Pronin Makinoi. Thematic exposition and art Museum, realistically reproducing the spirit of wartime, were engaged artists A. Milantiev and A. Fadeev.

Republican Museum of Military Glory is actively involved in the public life of the city, and in the "Night of museums" welcome guests "living exhibits," sound war songs and the screen shows the military chronicle. Next to the Museum and Victory Park is another historical landmark is the monument of Friendship.

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