The Church of Archangel Michael Photo: Church of Michael Archangel "in the forest"

Near the town of Uglich, namely 8 km away, in the midst of the densely overgrown forest is the amazing beauty of the Orthodox Church, consecrated in the name of Archangel Michael.

From the earliest times to the present time until we reached the legend tells that once upon a time honest lay people from adjacent villages decided to build a temple near Yaroslavl road. In achieving its objective difficulties: the structure, work on which began the day before, the next morning was destroyed. A few days later, one of the builders of the temple had a vision in which he saw that a higher power is not favourable to place the temple at the appointed place and that the Church can build on the small size of the island in a swamp forest. Thus, in a forest or in forest" was built first of its kind a small Church. Decades later, when the Church was built Arkhangelsky monastery, the exact time of occurrence of which is still not set; there is evidence that in the 15th century it already had a place to be.

In the time of Troubles in Russia, the monastery was ravaged and looted by Polish troops. Chronicles mention that during the Holy week in 1610 from the onslaught of the invaders were killed over forty monks, at the head of whom was the Abbot Michael, killing over four hundred peaceful rural residents.

As soon as the time of Troubles ended, Arkhangelsky monastery again became gradually return to its core business. At the monastery in the 17th century there were two churches: the first is the Nativity of the virgin, and the second in honor of the Archangel Michael. The existing buildings were built entirely of wood.

At the end of 1663, the monastery was assigned to the resurrection monastery in the town of Uglich as a dependent – in this status, it lasted almost until 1764. About 1765, two monastic churches were closed, after which the monastery became an ordinary parish Church. At the end of 1787 on the site of a previously existing wooden buildings, the congregation decided to erect a new Church, but only of stone, which to this day is the true decoration of the place.

As for the architectural component of the Church of the Archangel Michael, there is nothing particularly remarkable. The building is two storey and has five domes and refectory facilities – this kind of a lot of temples not only in the Uglich, but in the other cities of Russia. An important fact is that the builders of that time were able to perfectly choose a site for a new Church, fully correlating its appearance with the natural environment. The laying of the temple is surprisingly simple, and the architectural details are striking in their plainness and expressiveness, which looks great against the forest glades, majestic pines and nearby villages.

At the end of the 19th century near the temple was built the bell tower, built of red brick. A new bell tower has become a unique addition to the temple as a pictorial item, and bright spots, emphasizing the simplicity and the white temple.

The Church of the Archangel Michael during his time of existence has never been closed, resulting in her almost completely preserved interior of the 19th century, although it is not very noticeable and quite simple.

After the revolution the Church was plundered – that is when the interior was interesting from the architectural point of view. In the temple you can see the painted floors, stucco and quite late made oil painting. Church iconostasis has a triangular protrusion and in its forms and shapes is very similar to the iconostasis at the Church of Prince Dimitri "on blood". Existing previously, the interior Vvedensky temple almost completely lost, while today it is made up only of modern icons and paintings.

Near Archangel Church is a Holy pond, which has a surprisingly clean and clear water.

The Church is the churchyard, on the territory of which the burial was found, Dating back two centuries old.

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