The Temple Of Kedarnath Photo: The Temple Of Kedarnath

One of the most revered Hindu temples in India, where worship to Lord Shiva, is considered the temple of Kedarnath, or as it is called Kedarnath Mandir. It is located in the Himalayas near the river Mandakini, in the Holy city of Kedarnath, in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, right on the Indian-Chinese border. The place where a temple was built, at a height of 3584 meters above sea level and surrounded on all sides by snow-capped peaks. Kedarnath Mandir is very popular among tourists and pilgrims.

The temple was founded around the eighth century during the reign of Jagat Guru ADI Shankaracharya. People believe that it existed even during the great war of Mahabharata. It is small in size compared with other Indian religious buildings of this type. It has two main halls, one of which is the main temple of Kedarnath Mandir. It is a stone carved in the form of a cone, which is the receptacle of the divine essence of Shiva – Linga. In another hall are statues of Lord Krishna, of Pancha Pandavas and Veerbhadra one of the most loyal "guards" of Shiva. At the entrance to the temple sits Nandi – a stone statue of the sacred bull of Shiva. Inside all the walls and ceilings of the building are decorated with images of animals, humans, deities, mythological characters.

The Church, unfortunately, opened to the public only about six months a year, in the period from late April to the last of the autumn full moon, the so-called Kartik Purnima, due to severe weather conditions. In winter, all the statues are idols, known as Murti, is transferred to another sacred place in the state is Ukhimath.

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The Temple Of Kedarnath
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