Naval Museum Photo: naval Museum

Naval Museum of Varna – the national tourist sites in the country. It is located at the seaside, in the city's Sea garden. The area of the Museum is about 400 sq. m. the Museum Building was erected at the end of the nineteenth century and today this building is a true monument of architecture.

The Museum aims to preserve and to present and popularize the history of the naval exploits of Bulgaria. Serve this purpose numerous exhibitions in the halls and all sorts of exhibits that are located directly under the open sky.

The formation of the Museum began in 1883. Then the officers of the flotilla of the Danube began to collect materials in the city of Ruse. The first Museum exhibition of military equipment in Varna was opened in may 1923. Contributed to this event "Bulgarian national marine society". A turning point in the history of the Museum was 1955, when the Museum was included into uniform system of Minoborony Bulgaria – he became a branch of the Sofia National military history Museum.

The collection of the Museum showcases the Maritime history of the country: key processes and moments in the field of shipbuilding, navigation and the creation of a powerful fleet. It also reflects events such as participation of the Bulgarian sailors in the war with the Serbs 1885, the Balkan wars and both world wars. Special attention of the Museum staff are paying the destroyer "Daring", which in 1912 was attacked and sank the cruiser Turks "Chamiza".

Visitors have the opportunity to look at ancient anchors and surviving fragments of vessels found at the bottom of the Black sea. It also exhibited nasal decorations of the ships, uniforms of sailors and officers. For clarity, the Museum has exhibitions with desktop models, demonstrating the diversity of the military fleet, as well as a peaceful merchant ships of Bulgaria.

Of particular interest are the flags, torpedoes, insignia and other evidence of the naval greatness of the country. Full understanding of the specifics of navigation and shipbuilding in General help to make various tools and devices.

The public part of the Museum, perhaps the most interesting. Here is the legendary destroyer "Daring" and the yacht "Cor Caroli" – it is there in 1975-1976 made the first Bulgarian trip around the world captain Georgiev. You can also see helicopters that served the Bulgarian aviation.

In addition to a variety of exhibits, the Museum has a working specialized library.

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