Museum of the history of Veliky Ustyug Photo: Museum of the history of Veliky Ustyug

Permanent historical exhibition of the Museum of the history of Veliky Ustyug is located in the main Museum building, namely in the house of merchant G. V. Usov, which is located on the Waterfront of the city. The exhibition will introduce visitors to famous historical development of the city 12-20 centuries.

Usov's house is a two-story house designed in the classical style of the late 18th century. During its long history, the mansion had been replaced by a single owner and has undergone significant changes in its architecture. In the early 40-ies of the 19th century the house was in the possession of the heir - son of the famous merchant, belonged to the second Guild, Usova Grigory Vasilevich. It is worth noting that Mustache for 1828-1852 of years he was mayor and was the owner of the second house, located on Uspenskaya street, where now stands the House of culture.

After the death of Gregory Usova first house passed into the hands of the wife of the deceased, but in 1866 she sold the house with his family wards under the so-called "urban places" that had a direct connection to the city government. At this time the mansion ceased to be inhabited and was used as an administrative building. Already after the formation of the North Dvina province house came into the possession of the provincial institutions. In the early 1930-ies Usovo house" was donated to the Museum.

In the Museum of history of Great Ustyug presents a unique 17th century originals: chasing chests, towers, carved wooden candle holders, jewelry, coins, jewelry with enamel, canvas with a heel, samples agramante, braids and foreign fabrics – all this is the city of Veliky Ustyug as the largest trade and craft centre, located in the Russian North.

Exposition of the art Department presents a collection of drawing, painting, and decorative arts. In order to find the first exhibits, the Museum staff spent a lot of time in many expeditions, were in correspondence with the state Fund and Central museums, network with local artists. Thanks to such vigorous activity were acquired by A. M. Corina, I. M. Pryanishkov and Ustiug masters P. Y. Kostrov, I. I. Shishkin, V. Polenov and many others.

Pearl collection Fund of the Museum is the legacy of the archive - a collection of provincial portrait painting of the late 18th – first half of the 19th century, which presents portraits of M. V. Lomonosov, Catherine II, the bishops of the Totma Velikoustyuzhskogo the monk, Alexander, as well as portraits of famous Ustyug merchants L. G. Zakharova, G. V. Usov, A. M. Buldakov and his wife.

The Museum features exhibits related to the flourishing of Ustiug mobiles second half of the 18th and early 19th centuries. Made in Velikiy Ustyug mobile is gaining nationwide fame. The high level of development of the dark deeds of the 18th century shows the work of master Ivan Ostrovsky - three-part tabernacle with the image of the Chern engravings on caparena gilded background. More modern Chern art 30's-early 60-ies of the 20th century is characterized by amazing products of masters of the farm "Severnaya Chern", which is made according to the outline of the artistic Director Shilnikovskogo E. P., greatly enriched the ancient craft their new developments ornamental and pictorial compositions.

Art original fishing Veliky Ustyug is not only the carving, but the painting on birch bark. Start this craft dates back to the 18th century, and it appeared in Samogorodsky parish Velikoustyuzhskogo County. The basis of this kind of art is based on the motif of Curling mileage indicated by spiral curls and round rosettes sprinkled with small slit. These patterns adorn the surfaces of birch bark, boxes, boxes, decorative plates and many other products. Using the natural beauty of the materials, the famous Ustyug carvers create in the hands of a true work of art.

The amazing life of Great Ustyug 19-20 centuries reflects the unique cultural and historical development of this period of time. Some complexes devoted to merchants, local history and the opening of the Church of the archive.

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