Palazzo Thiene Photo: Palazzo Thiene

Palazzo Thiene Palace on 15-16 centuries in Vicenza, built for Marcantonio and Adriano Thiene. Probably the Creator of the project of the Palace in 1542, the year was Giulio Romano, but already under construction, in 1544, the year it was reworked Andrea Palladio. In 1994, the year the Palace was inscribed on the UNESCO world Cultural Heritage site by UNESCO. Today it houses the headquarters of the Bank, and sometimes hosts exhibitions and cultural events.

The construction of the original building in the Gothic style Lodovico Thiene in 1490, the year commissioned the architect Lorenzo da Bologna. Its Eastern façade, facing the district contra Spoil, was made of brick, and above the portal, decorated with a triple window of pink marble, worked Tommaso da Lugano. In 1542, the year Thiene brothers decided to reconstruct the family Palace from the 15th century and turn it into a huge mansion size 54 to 62 meters. According to their idea, the facade of the building was to be turned into the main street of Vicenza – the current Corso Palladio.

The rich, influential and sophisticated Marcantonio and Adriano Thiene were members of that aristocratic Italian society, whose members could easily move between the Royal courts of Europe. That's why they needed the appropriate residence that reflects their status and can take the dignitaries. Most likely, the project Palazzo worked experienced architect Giulio Romano (from 1533, the year he was employed at the court of Mantua Gonzaga, with whom Thiene were in close relations), and the young Palladio was responsible for its implementation. After the death of Romano in 1546, the year of Palladio took over construction management.

Architectural elements of the Palazzo Thiene, which is credited with Romano and which is clearly alien to the Palladian style, easily recognizable: for example, a four-columned atrium is very similar to the atrium of the Palazzo Te, despite the fact that Palladio changed its vaults. Authorship Romano also belong to the Windows and facades of the lower floors facing the street and courtyard, while Palladio made his features in the entablature and capitals of the upper floors.

Construction work, as mentioned above, began in 1542, the year, but walked very slowly on the external facade engraved 1556, and on the facade of the patio – 1558. In 1552, the year in France died Adriano Thiene, and subsequently, when the son of Marcantonio Thiene, Giulio, was the Marquis of Scandiano, family interests gradually moved to Ferrara. As a result, only a small part of the Grand project of the Palazzo Thiene was implemented. Probably neither Venetian nor other Vicentina aristocratic families could not afford private Kingdom in the heart of the city.

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