Vingis Park Photo: Vingis Park

Vingis is the largest Park in Vilnius. It is located in the heart of the city, specifically in its Western part, on the bend of the Neris river. Vingis is the most favorite and popular place for Biking, just walking, and Grand concerts under the open sky. In addition, the Park often hosts political events.

Hit the Park in two ways: from the street Birutes, passing through a pedestrian bridge, and also from street M. K. Charlene. The Park area is 160 hectares.

In the 15th and 16th centuries surrounded on almost all sides of steep river banks of the pine forest was in the possession of members of the family. Later he joined the Jesuits, and then Vilna Bishop Masalski Ignatius. After the death can be found here the estate passed into the hands of the Potocki family, who soon sold it to the count Zubov, from whom it has bought Vilna Governor-General Bennigsen L. L.

In Secrete the Jesuits Palace was built in three floors with an unusual mansard on sketches by famous architect I. K. Glaubicas. When the Palace passed into other hands, he again rebuilt at the request of the new owners. At a time when the house belonged to the Governor-General Bennigsen, namely in 1812, it was visited by Emperor Alexander I with his entourage and staff. The Emperor was delighted with the view of a beautiful area and decided to purchase from Bennigsen entire large area of Sakrete.

For the gala dinner in the summer Palace in Secrete in honor of Alexander I, the architect Michael Schulz was commissioned to build a pavilion. But disaster struck and shortly before the new ball pavilion collapsed. Schultz was so shocked by what had happened that rushed into the river Vilija and drowned. He was so in a hurry to do the work, and time was very little. But still he managed to build a dining room that was so different from the currently existing solemn elegance of finish. Not only the Emperor, but also many guests admired the magnificent building. Only a couple of hours before dinner, the roof of the dining room collapsed. Schultz was terrified that he would be the attacker. He jumped into the river, and a few days later his body was found in the river 20 miles from the city.

As you know, in 1812, Lithuania was part of Russia. Being on the show is in the summer Palace, Alexander I received a message stating that Napoleon's troops invaded the territory of the country.

In Sekretno the Palace of the French was inside the hospital, which was burned along with the wounded men. After the war of 1812, the Palace was beyond repair, and in 1855 the remains of the Palace were simply dismantled. Then zakreski site was arranged artillery range. In 1857 on the orders of the Governor-General V. I. Nazimova on the banks of the scenic river Neris was constructed cap with a wooden pavilion and various outbuildings. In addition, there was a great Park nearby lime Avenue.

Botanical garden of Vilnius University was founded in 1919 on the site where now stands the Park Wing. But in times of war and terrible floods Botanical garden was badly damaged. After the war, part of the Botanical garden was restored and transferred to the new Botanical garden at the University in 1975 in kirani. By 1930 the land of Sakrete warehouses were built by the Polish army, and was laid narrow-gauge railway.

In 1965 the Park was left out of the reconstruction and was adapted place for public gatherings and as a recreation area for citizens. In the center of the Park was erected a large concert stage, and equipped area for spectators in 2 ha. this is where national song festivals.

Near the entrance from the street Curline, at the Jesuit cemetery, is the grave of the victims of the plague epidemic that broke out in 1710. Here is erected in 1796 Repninsky chapel, which holds the ashes of his wife N. In. Repnin – Lithuanian Governor-General. During the First world war at the former Jesuit cemetery were buried the soldiers of the Austrian and German armies. After the Second world war a large part of the cemetery was destroyed, and still on its place was built the rides. Now the graves of Austrian and German soldiers restored.

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