Holy Trinity zelenetsk monastery Photo: Holy Trinity zelenetsk monastery

Holy Trinity zelenetsk monastery originated in the mid 16th century and is located between the towns of Staraya Ladoga, in the village Greenways (Volkhov district), on the banks of the Rassokha river, marshy elevated location, which in summer is covered green vegetation. He founded the monastery of martyrius, monk Tikhvin assumption monastery, who came to this place in the middle of the 16th century, specifically in 1564. Called the Green monastery Martirano desert. Special patronage of the monastery showed Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich.

The first monastery buildings were made of wood. In the construction of one of the churches of the monastery participated known in those days, the representative of the merchants involved in construction in Novgorod, Moscow, Tikhvin, Fedor Cheese.

First Church of God Hodigitria (stone) with the chapel of St. John Chrysostom built in 1601, this is stated in the land records book 1620. But it has not survived – it was dismantled in 1670-ies.

Initially, the monastery buildings were built of wood and surrounded by a wooden fence. In 1612-1613, in the time of Troubles, the monastery was burnt down by Swedish troops who went to the Towns, but soon it was rebuilt anew through the efforts of Metropolitan of Novgorod, of Cornelius, a former monk, and then Abbot of this monastery. It is in these times the zelenetsk monastery reached the highest level of accomplishment. In 1624 behind the monastery were assigned to the surrounding land and the peasants, freed from taxes.

The whole complex of the monastery, which survived until our days, mostly developed in 1674-1698 years, in the heyday of Zelenetsk monastery, when Cornelius, as Metropolitan of Novgorod, contributed to the spread of stone construction.

The architectural ensemble of Zelenetsk monastery is a group of temples, placed in the center of a wide courtyard surrounded by residential and commercial buildings and surrounded by a stone wall with small towers at the corners and three gates.

In the centre of Zelenetsk five-domed monastery is located two-storey Holy Trinity Cathedral, built in 1684. The lower Church in honor of St. John the Evangelist. Here are the relics of the founder of the monastery, Martyrii of Zelenetsk, who died in 1603. In 1698, buried next to Metropolitan Cornelius.

Composition refectory and the Church of the Annunciation, founded in 1680 North from the Cathedral Church, typical for the refectories of monasteries of the 17th century, but the decoration is original and originality. In addition to traditional frames made of circle brick is applied here and the wide ceramic trim that adorn the second-floor Windows on the West facade, in the piers – crosses tiles. Annunciation Church was consecrated in 1686.

In the South-West of the Cathedral stands a slender octagonal three-tiered bell tower. Her appearance was changed in the first quarter of the 19th century: wooden gazebo with cupola crowning the bell tower, replaced the dome with a "Spitz".

In the Central group of the main buildings are: the Cathedral itself, the refectory and the bell tower. Previously, they were connected by wooden crossings, but today they are not there yet.

Of great architectural value are the buildings with cells that were built in the 1680-ies, because of the residential buildings of the 17th century preserved a little bit.

With the death of Cornelius ended the time of active construction in the Zelenetsk monastery: up until the early 19th century there was not a single stone building. In 1771 the monastery of Novgorod diocese was transferred to St. Petersburg and appointed a place of exile for Church penance.

In Zelenetsk Holy Trinity monastery is especially revered icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God "Hodegetria" and the Holy Trinity, which according to legend were brought here by the monk Martyrii.

In 1919 the monastery was closed. In 1937, the remaining monks were taken to "an unknown destination". The monastery buildings were used in different Soviet structures. In 1992 the monastery was returned to the believers. Today he is recovering. Now in the abode – 16 inhabitants being divine, established the monastic life. In November 2001, the paved road linking the village Greenways and more land.

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