The summer residence of the bishops of Porec Photo: Summer residence of bishops of poreč

The summer residence of the bishops of Porec most often described as a deserted castle, which in principle can be called the most accurate definition of this attraction Vrsar.

The building was built in the period from XII to XIII century and is a magnificent palatial building that is located very near the parish Church. Martin. Originally on the same site was erected a modest Palace, built in the Romanesque style. After some time the structure has undergone significant changes: the walls were strengthened and increased the total area.

The architecture of the Palace, which we can see today, retained the features of various styles, ranging from Romanesque to Baroque. In the southern part of the building has two towers (one of which allegedly served as a prison), which had previously been under surveillance.

In the Palace itself has an impressive number of rooms, which could accommodate not only the masters, but the servants and guests. The first floor was occupied by the press, which pressed oils, ovens, water tanks, stables and warehouses for the products. By the way, all food was grown in the Episcopal estates in the vicinity of the city.

When poreč was overtaken by the plague or military action, the bishops tried to move to the time in Vrsar. For example, when there was a mutiny 1299, Bishop Bonifatius tried as soon as possible to leave the city and find refuge in the Palace. For some bishops castle became the permanent place of residence. In addition, there were buried Ruggiero Incorrigible and Gianbattista de Judice.

After the abolition of property rights in 1778 porechskij bishops Palace was transferred to the ownership of the Venetian Republic. After almost two centuries of monumental structure became the property of a patrician family Vergottini.

In XX century the castle started slowly but surely to collapse today, it requires a speedy restoration.

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