Stele Photo: Stele "City of military glory"

Stele "City of military glory" was opened in Vyborg in may 2011 in honor of the 66th anniversary of Victory in the square Vyborg regiments. This monument pays tribute to the people who ensured the Victory and the life of today's generation. This sign is another reminder of the courage of the officers and men of the heroic red army in defense of their native land.

The monument is made at the mining company "Renaissance" of the Vyborg red granite. Vyborg is the second town of the Leningrad region, which opened such a memorable character. The first stele was installed in 2010 in meadows. Three cities in Leningrad oblast was awarded the title "City of military glory": Tikhvin, Luga and Vyborg. The title "City of military glory" has Vyborg by presidential decree on March 25 2010

Memorable sign "City of military glory" in Vyborg is a granite column, which was of the Doric order. It is crowned by the double-headed eagle of gilded bronze. The total column height of 11 m On the front side of the pedestal of the column in the bronze cartouche posted the text of the Presidential decree on conferring the honorary title. On the reverse side of the pedestal is an emblem of the city, made of bronze. Column installed at the site plan dimensions Hm. The corners of the composition is crowned by four pillars with bas-reliefs, images which describe heroic acts and noble deeds relating to the history of the city from the first days of its Foundation to the present time. Historians and ethnographers actively participated in the discussions of what events should be reflected in the monument. It was raised and dealt with a lot of historical material.

Vyborgsky district in the military history of Russia occupies a special place. Since the times of Peter I and our days on this earth defenders have repeatedly shown their bravery and courage.

During the Northern war with Sweden 22 March 1710 Russian troops began the siege of Vyborg. On 9 may of the same year came here Russian fleet of 250-270 courts. Peter himself commanded one of the detachments. Vyborg stormed the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments according to the plan, prepared by Peter. June 14, 1710, the life guards Preobrazhensky regiment together with Peter I went to Vyborg. Northern war ended with the signing of peace in Nystad in 1721 Russia ceded the entire Karelian isthmus with Vyborg and Kexholm (now Priozersk). And in may, 1790 during the Russo-Swedish war in the Bay of Vyborg was the largest in the 18th century naval battle in which the Russian fleet under Admiral V. Y. Chichagov first blocked, and then defeated the enemy.

In the modern history of Vyborg region and the Karelian isthmus were sometimes brutal military battles. During the war of 1939-1940. the cost of huge losses, the Red Army coped with the country's leadership and military command of the task, reinforcing the country's borders in the North-West. Of particular importance are the historical facts of the great Patriotic war, which relate to the Vyborg offensive operation began on 10 June 1944. By the end of the first day of the offensive, our troops have broken through the first line of defense the Germans and liberated more than 80 settlements. And after four days the Red army stormed the second strongest defensive line. To the third line of defence, our troops are coming out on June 18, was able to break it and to master seaside. June 20, 1944. Vyborg was released. Seemingly unapproachable "Mannerheim line" was broken by the troops of the Leningrad front. July 6, ended the fighting for the liberation of the Islands in Vyborg Bay. Soviet troops reached the pre-war border with Finland. For heroism and courage 66 soldiers and officers were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, and 25 military formations and units involved in the liberation of the Karelian isthmus, Vyborg and began to wear the honorary title of "Vyborg". All this laid the basis for the city was awarded the honorary title "City of military glory".

The architectural complex of the stele developed by a team of authors under the leadership of a member of the International Academy of architecture, honored architect of Russia, I. N. Voskresensky. and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of arts, honored artist of Russia, sculptor Shcherbakova S. A. Author of the conceptual design architect Gvozdev ( LTD. A1-Project" (St. Petersburg)). The project site of the complex was made by OAO Lengrazhdanproekt", Vyborg branch. The sculptural part of the monument was performed by E. B. Volkov, cast her company "Constanta Plus" (St. Petersburg). The construction of the monument and landscaping was carried out by the organization "Proxima Plus (Vyborg).

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