Small Wild Goose pagoda Photo: Small Wild Goose pagoda

Small Wild Goose pagoda is located in the inner part of the temple Tsangpo, located one kilometre South of the Xian city. Big and Small Wild Goose pagoda was built during the Imperial era of the Tang dynasty, ruling from 618 to 907, that is more than 1300 years ago.

Pagodas were the symbols of the city of Eternal peace, Tran Anh. The very phrase "XI'an" means "Western peace", and Chan anemia called this city before the era of the reign of Ming, the dynasty ruled from 1368 through 1644. Beijing at that time was the capital of China, and XI'an (Chang'an) was the capital of ten dynasties.

The temple Tsangpo was built in the year 684, he was dedicated to the Emperor Li Zhi, the second Emperor of the Tang dynasty. The hundredth day of the opening of the temple, it was renamed and it became known as Xian Fu, which means "Devotional blessing." And then the temple was renamed for the third time, at the behest of Empress Wu Zetian, and he became a temple Tsangpo.

The Empress was the mistress of Emperor Li Zhi, then became his mistress after the death of the Emperor acquired great authority and power. The reign of Empress Wu Zetian was very cruel, but it was interrupted by the reign of the Tang dynasty, the former in power for nearly 15 years.

Famous pilgrim Yijing, the great teacher of Buddhism at the time, lived for some time in the Church and translated the ancient Buddhist Scriptures brought from India.

Small Wild Goose pagoda was built in 707-709. It was so called because of its proximity to the Big Wild Goose pagoda. Originally the pagoda looked like a building with a multi-layered roof, 15 floors and a height of about 45 meters. But after a strong earthquake occurred in 1556, at the building collapsed two floors, as well as a crack from the top of the pagoda to the bottom.

After the earthquake, the pagoda was repaired, the crack slipped, but to restore two ruined floors. Since then, a 13-storey pagoda still suffered from natural disasters, but nevertheless pagoda looks very dignified. Inside the building is a wide staircase that allows you to climb to the top of the pagoda.

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