The Museum of the terracotta statues of horses and soldiers Photo: the Museum of the terracotta statues of horses and soldiers

The Museum of the terracotta statues of horses and warriors, the eighth wonder of the world. In China near Lishan mountain, near the ancient capital, XI'an city, is buried. Therein lies the great Emperor of the Qing dynasty, and at least 8100 terracotta statues of warriors and horses in full human growth.

Qin shihuang lived in the third century BC and was a prominent man in the history of China. During his lifetime he was able to unite all of China and had finished the building of the great wall of China. It was a man, possessed of great power and great ambition, which he decided to implement extraordinary way. To the grave he took huge reserves of precious treasures, and the whole man-made army. Besides, along with Cinem was buried to 70 thousand workers and their families, 48 concubines (buried alive).

The statues were discovered not so long ago, in 1974, farmers in drilling near mount Lishan. Excavations took place in three stages, the last of which was on June 13, 2009. Army man-made warriors buried in the vaults of a mile from the graves of the Qin.

Mount Lishan is the place where are buried the Emperor Qin. Material for some of the statues were taken from this mountain. The construction of the mausoleum began in 247 BC and lasted for 38 years. All the statues of soldiers made by craftsmen in different parts of China. The horses were taken next to the burial, due to the very heavy weight to carry them would be too expensive and hard.

Each figure of the warrior is a work of art. They are all made by hand, using different techniques, different artists and from different materials. Each of the soldiers is unique, has its features, certain weapons (spears, swords, crossbows, bows), horse. Given the number of soldiers, the scale is incredible, and there were found the statues of musicians, actors, officials, chariot.

UNESCO has included terracotta army in the world heritage List.

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