The monument to Alexander Peresvet in the settlement Borisoglebsky Photo: the Monument to Alexander Peresvet in the settlement Borisoglebsky

The monument to Alexander Peresvet, a famous monk warrior who was a monk of the Trinity-Sergiev monastery, opened in the settlement Borisoglebsky 26 September 2005. The opening of the monument was dedicated to the 625th anniversary of the Kulikovo battle. The monument was consecrated by the Archbishop of Yaroslavl and Rostov Cyril. The author of the monument – Z. K. Tsereteli. The sculptural composition is made of bronze and represents the image of a standing Peresvet with cross in right hand and spear in left. The height of the figure of the hero – 3 m.

Alexander Peresvet was born in Bryansk and was a boyar before the tonsure as a monk. He probably took part in several battles and campaigns. According to legend, the overexposure was tonsured a monk in Borisoglebsk monastery in Rostov. But this tradition is in no way confirmed. The life and Peresvet Oslabya reports that they were monks of the Trinity-Sergius monastery, disciples of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Reliably established that in 1380 Peresvet and Oslyabya were novices.

Before the battle of Kulikovo Dmitry Donskoy for spiritual support came to Sergius of Radonezh blessing. At that time, the Tatars were considered invincible. The name of St. Sergius became famous throughout Russia. His blessing would be to give all the warriors of hope. Sergius of Radonezh blessed him and sent him of monks who have a good knowledge of weapons. It was Rodion Oslyabya and Alexander Peresvet.

According to the legend, overexposure before the battle was praying in his cell of a hermit in the chapel of the Holy warrior and Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. In the most famous version, before the battle Peresvet took part in the "fight of giants". He was confronted by the hero Chiluba, which was characterized by great strength and military skill. Opponents were on horseback, armed with spears. After the first collision their spears broke, and both knights fell to the ground and died. According to another version, Chiluba and Relight pierced with spears each other. Spear Chelomeya according to this version was a meter longer than usual. Engaging in battle with spears with Caubeen, the enemy could not strike a blow, as from falling out of the saddle. Peresvet has receded from the usual logic of the match — he took off his armor and left only in the great schema – monastic cloak, worn on top robes. He did it to spear Chelomeya, passing through the body at high speed, it couldn't immediately knock out of the saddle, and then he would be able to strike that the battle happened. Having received a mortal wound, overexposure remained in the saddle, he reached down and just died there.

After the death of Peresvet and Chelubey began the battle of Kulikovo – cavalry of the Tatars attacked the Russian regiment advanced.

The body of overexposure after the battle was brought to Moscow. There it was buried in Old Simon about the Church of the Nativity of the virgin in "stone tent".

According to one version, the sarcophagi olabi and overexposure were found in the 18th century when we were looking into the old bell tower of the Church. Builders at work found a brick vault, his floor was covered tomb stones without inscriptions (so did graves of warriors or monks). After removing them, the builders discovered sarcophagi and Peresvet Oslabya. During the construction of a new refectory burial vault was closed, and the stones were laid in the North-Western part of the refectory of the Church. Later on this place was erected a cast-iron tombstone, which was destroyed in the 1920-ies. But according to others, the body olabi and overexposure is never found, and now they are buried in Old Simon, in the refectory of the Church of the Nativity of the virgin "under a bushel", t.e. the exact location of their burial is not set. Now at the alleged place of their burial in the refectory of the Church of Nativity wooden headstone in the form of copies the first cast.

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