Yaroslavsky Dolphinarium Photo: Yaroslavl Dolphinarium

In the small village of Dubki that in Yaroslavsky district, Yaroslavl region, is the Dolphinarium, which for several years is a favorite destination for not only locals but also visitors and guests. This school is noteworthy because it is the only on the territory of the Central district of Russia health and leisure centre, which includes programs involving marine animals, are sea lions and dolphins.

The basis of the Yaroslavl Dolphinarium occurred with the participation of businessman Andrei Corbina what happened in mid-2009 in the premises closed for a couple of years before a large sports complex. The building is located at the address: Shkolnaya street, building 1A.

The first imported animals became a Navy seal and Beluga, which were sent here from the Cape Chkalov. To date, the Directorate of the Dolphinarium plans to get several of the sea lions and two bottlenose dolphins.

Yaroslavsky Dolphin village oaks is a main pool, in which are show program, stroking and swimming with dolphins; also in the center includes: Wellness center, Studio, in which you can see real tropical butterflies, a hotel complex, a small cafe with a beautiful view of the pool, bar, video room, summer cafeteria, a restaurant called "starfish" photo Studio "Aqualite" and intended for the kids games room.

The main pool has a rectangular shape and a size of 25 to 11 m, with an area of 750 sq. m.; the pool has two levels of depth: deep, designed for training, leisure animals and views – depth 4, 5 m and shallow water intended for swimming with marine animals – his depth of 1, 5 m with regard to seats in the Dolphinarium, 146, in the near future it is planned to increase room for up to 285 people sitting. The total number of prescribed amounts to about five hundred people.

Recently Dolphinarium in Yaroslavl hosted the opening of the Wellness centre, which are Wellness courses delinearize and Dolphin. At the center there is a small pool in which only warm sea mineral water intended for swimming clients who live in mini-hotel in the Wellness program courses.

Not so long ago was a brand new program Yaroslavl Dolphinarium, which are unique from the point of view of staging and technical achievements theatrical show that is held on the water and designed for audiences of different ages and generations, because the protagonists of this view are graceful Beluga whales, playful bottlenose dolphins and funny Navy seals. The audience literally fascinated by everything going on, as all the tricks of marine life characterized by true professionalism and amazing artwork.

With regard to technical performance parts, it uses the most advanced modern developments from the world of sound, light and stage equipment. The program includes the use of copyright specially designed decorations. This show will not leave anyone indifferent spectator.

Shows in Yaroslavl Dolphinarium are changing constantly, one after another, more interesting rooms. Every time before submission are animators who hold a variety of competitions not only for kids but for adults as well as give Souvenirs and gifts, and with it a great mood.

The program lasts just over 50 minutes. Ticket price depends on the location of the sector and listening position in the room, while kids under 3 years old can visit the Dolphinarium for free. Right before the show have the opportunity to visit the Hall of tropical butterflies, and relax in a cozy cafe, located on the second floor of the Dolphinarium.

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