The Church Of St. Simeon Photo: Church Of St. Simeon

St Simeon's Church was built in XIV century, but today its form (in Baroque style) found in the seventeenth century and the first written mention of the Church of St. Simeon refers to 1190.

The sacred relic and the main treasure of the Church is the sarcophagus of the work of the medieval goldsmith with the relics of St. Simeon. This art work was allocated 250 pounds of silver, and five commissioners of nobles of Zadar in 1377 signed a contract with the master of deadlines. The sarcophagus is made of cedar and decorated with silver plated leaves, it is supported by two bronze sculptures of angels. This artifact is recognized as a masterpiece of jewelry art. In addition, this work has important historical significance. It immortalized important for the history of Zadar date.

According to some historical sources, Dating to the 13th century relics of St. Simeon was kept in Constantinople and, according to the pictures on the sarcophagus, they were transferred to Zadar in 1203. According to the legend, the Crusader, probably Venetian nobleman, returning from Syria on his ship, was carrying the relics of St. Simeon. But the city of Zadar, he was caught in a violent storm, during which he caught a cold, his ship was too badly damaged. The nobleman had to take refuge in Zadar at the time. While the ship is repaired, the Crusader sheltered hermits, which he said he carries the body of his brother. They buried the relics near Zadar. Despite the efforts of the monks, the nobleman became worse and after a long illness he died. The monks discovered a hidden chest of the deceased notes on the miracles of Saint Simeon, whose relics he was carrying, and went to the cemetery to find the relics. There they saw the sign, and since then in Zadar there is a cult of St. Simeon.

The construction of the Church helped make Queen Elizabeth, she was an admirer of the Saint. But were this and political reasons, king Louis I the Great fiercely fought with the Venetians for Zadar in 1358, according to the settlement agreement Zadar finally got the status of a free city.

And in 1380 on the sarcophagus master Franjo from Milan wrote an inscription in Latin that Elizabeth, the wife of Louis I, out of respect to the free city and the Holy transmits the sarcophagus Zadar, and rest in him should relics of the righteous St. Simeon.

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