Ethnographic Museum Photo: Museum of Ethnography

For nine centuries of history in the vicinity of Ankara and the city has accumulated a sufficient number of priceless artifacts, which are presented in a wonderful collection of exhibits of the Ethnographic Museum. The Museum building is easily recognizable by walls of white marble, and the statue at the entrance, which depicts on horseback atatürk, as the people called the founder of the Turkish Republic Mustafa Kemal. The Ethnography Museum of Ankara collections, describing the culture and lifestyle of the population: Muslim carpets, traditional clothes, a variety of fabric, folk musical instruments, textiles and porcelain wares. Here, even the building itself is considered a separate and very valuable item.

The structure is located on the hill of namanga, on the site of a Muslim cemetery. With the aim of opening the Museum, this hill was donated, by decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkey, Ministry of national education, in November 1925.

The ethnographic Museum was built by architect A. H. name a few, which is one of the most famous architects of the early Republican period. For the collection and purchase of artifacts in a Museum, in Istanbul, was created a special Commission, headed by Professor Celal of Asada in 1924 and Director of the Museums of Istanbul Halil Edema in 1925. The selection of exhibits was completed in 1927, when there were already more than a thousand. In the same year and was appointed Director of the Museum. But the Grand opening of the Museum of Ethnography took place only on July 18, 1930, on the occasion of arrival of the Afghan king. Two years before that, the Museum was visited by the head of the Turkish Republic Mustafa Kemal.

In November 1938 the courtyard of the Ethnographic Museum was transformed into a temporary mausoleum of the Turkish reformer, whose body was here until 1953, when it was completed the construction of the Mausoleum of Ataturk. Currently in this part of the Museum houses a white marble slab, on which the date of death of the father of the Turks and the period when his body was in the Museum. Ethnographic Museum served as a mausoleum for 15 years. Here visits of official delegations of various countries. During this time he was visited by presidents, ambassadors, foreign delegations, as well as ordinary citizens. In the period between 1953 and 1956 in the building were carried out repair and restoration work was carried out the preparation of the Museum's collection to the International week of museums, which was held from November 6 to 14, 1956.

The building has a rectangular shape, and its roof is decorated with a dome. The stone walls of the Museum are covered with coarse Sandstone and marble, and facing gable has carved decoration. The Museum is adjacent staircase of twenty-eight steps. The entrance to the building consists of three parts, separated by four columns with arches. The main entrance leads into the hall under the dome and courtyard with colonnade.

Originally in the centre of the courtyard there was a marble basin, and the roof was open. However, after using the Museum as a temporary mausoleum of Ataturk, the roof was closed and the pool had to be moved to the garden. Large and small halls of the building is symmetrical surround the courtyard. Two-storey administrative complex is located next to the Museum.

At the request of the Ministry of education in 1927, the Italian artist made bronze statue of Mustafa Kemal who now stands before the Museum. The exhibition of the ethnographic Museum is a collection of examples of Turkish art from the Seljuk period to the present time.

To the right of the entrance to the Museum is a room devoted to Anatolian wedding ceremonies, it exhibits wedding dresses from different cities of Anatolia and various wedding attributes. In the next room you can get acquainted with samples and methods the famous Turkish embroidery. Further, there is the Department, which introduces visitors to the Ethnographic Museum with the craft of hand-woven Turkish carpets and rugs. Visiting next room you can get acquainted with the Anatolian culture coffee. In the Museum there is also a Department devoted to the ceremony of circumcision.

To the left of the entrance is a section of tile and glass products Turkey, tableware of pottery and ceramics. Next room, the exhibits of which were donated by Besim Atalay. Other departments acquaint visitors with the art of Ottoman calligraphy, best wooden artefacts from the Seljuk period and princely rule.

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