Hot springs Ankara Photo: Hot springs Ankara

In Turkey, especially in Ankara, there are a large number of Wellness and medical programs. Among them – mud, hot and a cold mineral water baths, compresses and dressings, the program "antistress" (autogenic training, aromatherapy, massage, "Shakra-balance" (Shiatsu), meditation, colour therapy), physiotherapy (ultrasound, heating), special cosmetology program that includes skin care face and body, soothing body care, strengthening, makeup and giving a silhouette). In the district of Ankara there are a lot of mineral water (drinking and geothermal) sources.

In 86 kilometers from the city, at a height of 975 meters above sea level in the homonymous County Ankara are the most mineral rich waters of the thermal springs Kizilcahamam (Kizilcahamam). The water temperature of the springs is 37 to 47 degrees Celsius in the water contains sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine.

Kizilcahamam, in addition, yet known for its beautiful and rich nature, including huge tracts of coniferous forests. Within the County is a national Park Soxu. All these factors contribute to the attraction of the County of thousands of tourists not only heal local waters, but just relax from the hustle and bustle, surrounded by nature. The area was inhabited since time immemorial.

A large number of mineral springs is located in the County and beypazari, the administrative center of which is at a distance of hundred kilometers from the city of Ankara. Sanatorium facilities for mineral waters in the County beypazari is visited every year by thousands of sufferers. Here, in total, has nine mineral springs, which are located directly near each other. There is drinking and geothermal sources. One of the most significant and well known is Dutlu. In the provincial centre of beypazari is a sufficiently large number of hotel facilities.

Thirty kilometers to the South of the village of beypazari, near the village Capullo have the same geothermal source near which is the source of Karamoja. Tahtali is another nearby complex of geothermal sources, above which is will Wairau Genclik – potable source. Another name for this source of Tahtali Vizier. He is known for a high content in their waters radioactive radon.

Very rich in mineral water sources is another County of the district of Ankara – haymana. The main source of this County bears the same name - Hyman. He was known in Roman times and was used by Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman peoples. In the nineteenth century attempts were made to bring water from this source in Ankara.

The water is a geothermal source of Hyman contains soda, calcium, carbon dioxide and magnesium. The temperature of the water therein is at a level of forty-six degrees Celsius. This water is, in principle, not drinking. However, its consumption inside improves the functioning of the diuretic system. Especially if you drink this water on an empty stomach. To improve the condition of patients with rheumatism, allergic diseases, women's diseases, suffering from the effects of infantile paralysis, to restore health after fractures it is recommended to take the local baths.

The number of mineral springs per unit area, according to international data, Hyman holds second place, behind only the famous French resort town of Vichy. Treatment of the waters Himani activates blood circulation, reduces blood pressure, helps in the treatment of asthmatic and bronchial diseases, improves the cardiovascular system, helps with diseases of the lungs and vein occlusion.

Water sources Himani quite large and accounts for about four liters per second. This is sufficient for everyday swimming around thousands of sufferers.

It should also be noted that the choice of hotel facilities in the Hyman tourists there are no difficulties. In this area a lot of motels, hotels and guesthouses. Along with direct relevance to mineral springs Spa facilities, and there is also a center for physical therapy. Hyman is located in an area easily reachable not only from Turkey but also from Eskisehir and Konya.

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