Pokrovsky Cathedral in Astrakhan is one of the main attractions of the city. The idea of establishing the Church on the arrow Up and Volga arose in connection with important events. The first such event occurred in 1822, when abolished Voskresensk-Boldin monastery, located at this place, after which the congregation was left without a temple. And the second in August 1858, when, after a terrible fire towns Kolesnikov, Coopers and blacksmiths were moved from the affected parts of the city on "arrow" and formed a new district of the city - the so-called Village. Local residents were assigned to the parish of Kazan Church, but it is because of their size could not accommodate all the parishioners. Then it was decided to build a new large Church in the center of the Village.

The Church was built thanks to the initiative of the famous Astrakhan merchant and philanthropist I. Gubin. The construction work was started in 1879 by the Author of the project of the Cathedral was made by the Astrakhan architect Znamensky. The Church and the high bell tower built in the style of traditional Russian architecture. In March 1885, the bell tower of the temple of set bells. The solemn consecration of the Church took place on 29 September of the same year.

The Church of the intercession was one of the few Astrakhan temples, which did not touch the newborn Soviet power. While in 1941 it was used as a warehouse of sugar.

A huge contribution to the building of the Church has invested Archbishop F. Stavitsky. Referring to the faithful, he asked them to donate silver, copper and bronze objects in order to cast new bells that were removed in 1930, Also in 1928, F. Stavitsky tried to make the Church a Cathedral, but did not, since he was arrested. And only in 1943, the Archbishop was able to achieve his goal - Pokrovsky Church is officially declared a Cathedral. F. stavytsky was buried in the Cathedral, under the left-hand altar.

The appearance of the monastery was first updated to the 450th anniversary of Astrakhan.

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