The Musée Calvet Photo: Musée Calvet

On the site of the present Museum Calvet formerly a cardinal's residence - Livre de Cambrai, named after once lived here the cardinal Pierre D Aili, Bishop de Cambrai. In 1719, the building was sold to françois-rené de Villeneuve, Marquis d Arzela and señor de Martinian.

In 1734, his son Jacques-Ignace de Villeneuve decided to expand their holdings and build a new Palace. The construction was started under the leadership of Len Thomas, but then it was replaced by the architects Jean-Baptiste franc and Francesco Frank. Construction works were not finished until 1749. In 1802, bought the mansion negotiator Deletr, who in turn handed over the building to rent authorities Avignon to post here collection Esprit Calvet. March 3, 1833, the building was bought by the city of Avignon for the Museum. From 1 October 1963 townhouse Villeneuve-Martinian included in the list of historical monuments of France.

Here is one of the largest collections of paintings in France. To get a collection started by a local physician (numismatist and bibliophile and archaeologist) Esprit Calvet, and later, in 1810, he bequeathed his collections and library to the Museum of painting. Exhibits of the Museum are works of art, sculptures, porcelain, but is particularly interested in the Department of painting, covering the period from the XVI to the XX century — from Vasari and Luca Giordano to David, Corot, Manet, Soutine and Bonnard.

Here, town house Villeneuve-Martinian, to which were added a modern building, is the main collection. Library, collected calve and significant collection of nearly 12 000 coins and medals were transported to another location in the city.

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