Gobustan state historical-artistic reserve Photo: Gobustan state historical-artistic reserve

Gobustan state historical-artistic reserve is located in the Eastern part of Azerbaijan, 60 km South of Baku. The word "Gobustan" is derived from two words "Goba" and "Stan". "Stan" means "place" and the word "Goba" Turkic language means "dried-wide riverbed" or "ravine".

Gobustan historical-artistic reserve is a large area, rich with gullies and ravines. The total area of the reserve is 537 hectares. There remained a huge amount of evidence of a person's life, starting with X-VIII Millennium BC to the middle ages - the rock carvings, ruins of ancient people, as well as a huge prehistoric cromlech. In addition, the rocks of Gobustan keep the memory of your stay here Roman legionaries.

The first archaeological excavations on the territory of the reserve were conducted in 30-ies of the XX century it was found approximately 3500 rock marks, images and drawings, as well as the holes in the rocks and man-made pit. In 1965 a study of the historical monuments of Gobustan was engaged in a special scientific expedition, which conducted the archaeological survey of approximately 20 dwellings and shelters, more than 40 mounds. Then it was revealed and registered to 300 petroglyphs. In September 1966 Gobustan was granted a national Park status.

Of particular interest among tourists is located in the North-Eastern slope of mount Gingergal one of the monuments of the archaeological reserve is an ancient musical instrument - the stone Gavaldash. When striking the stone emits a different harmonic sounds and all this is due to the fact that he's standing on an air cushion.

On the rocks of Gobustan you can see more than 400 ancient Cup-shaped indentations that were made through solid stone tools. Researchers attribute these hollows to the Neolithic period. The holes were used to collect rain water, the blood of sacrificial animals and for other purposes.

Also on the territory of the Gobustan state historical-artistic preserve a lot of sanctuaries, among which - "Sophie Novruz", "Gara Atli", "Sophie Hamid", etc. with regard to animal life and vegetation of the reserve, its territory is quite poor.

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