Capitol Photo: The Capitol

The Capitol, built by the Emperor Vespasian in 73 ad, was a religious place and the center of the ancient Brixia, the predecessor of the modern Brescia. In those years the building was located on the main street – the "Decumanus Maximus" (the current via Museums) and was a temple with three meeting rooms, which worshipped Capitoline deities. It stood on the site of an ancient Roman temple, probably built in the 80-70-m years B. C. In 1823, the year here was carried out archaeological excavations and discovered the ancient temple, and later the Capitol, which became a popular tourist attraction Brescia.

Probably originally the Capitol had four prayer halls – such an assumption can be made based on the structure of the ancient temple. Then East hall was demolished in order to expand standing near the amphitheater. Historians are inclined to believe that in this fourth hall was conducted religious ceremonies dedicated to the local deity, which, most likely, had a Celtic origin. Perhaps this deity was Hercules, because the Capitol in oral tradition was often called the Temple of Hercules.

In the first half of the 19th century inside of the Capitol marble were found fragments of a huge male statues, and some of its parts continue to find today. The most fascinating explanation of these findings is the assumption that the fragments of sculptures depicting seated on the throne of Jupiter, which towered above the Central hall of the Capitol. This statue could be modelled and likeness of the eponymous sculpture in the Capitol at Rome, as copies of Roman Jupiter was established in religious buildings throughout the Empire.

To get into bresinski the Capitol could climb two flights of stairs. The top had a view of the forum and Basilica, and the rear, behind the Capitol, towered the hill of Colle Cidneo, is the location of the building was characteristic of Hellenistic architectural traditions.

Today in the vicinity of the Capitol, which was once the centre of the city, you can see many ruins of ancient buildings, which served a variety of functions - for example, the amphitheater was used for public entertainment and for public events. At a conservative estimate, it could fit up to 15 thousand people. At the forum, lay in front of the Capitol (below the level of the modern Piazza del Foro), the market was located – it was a trading centre surrounded by craft shops and shops.

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