The Necropolis Of Tofixed Photo: The Necropolis Tofixed

The necropolis of Tofixed located in the outskirts of Cagliari in Sardinia, is one of the largest and most important necropolis in the Mediterranean region. Just found on its territory more than 1,100 graves Carthaginian and Roman periods, which differ in a variety of forms. In particular, individual attention, two drevnekitajskie graves 4-3 centuries BC, both with well-preserved murals. The name of the first - Tomba del CIS – comes from the image of the man in the helmet and a spear, which is considered to be a Phoenician God of war sid. And in the second grave you can see a frieze depicting a winged Egyptian Cobra with the solar disk – a typically Phoenician symbol.

No less interesting and other monuments of antiquity in Cagliari. For example, the Roman amphitheatre built in the 2nd century BC, is one of the most remarkable monuments of antiquity in Sardinia. Located at the foot of the hill, the amphitheater was partly rock-cut and partly built of limestone from local quarries, and could accommodate up to 10 thousand spectators. The whole design was nicely trimmed and lined, which you can see on the many marble tablets found in the excavations. On the stage of the amphitheater was the site of Gladiator fights, theatrical performances and executions, death sentences. And today here in the summer months concerts and shows.

Worth a visit in Cagliari and the Villa Tigullio – antique complex, named for a wealthy and extravagant Roman poet and singer, who, as was believed, was the owner. In reality the Villa Tigullio is the remains of an elegant residential district 2-3rd centuries B. C. Here you can see the baths, of which there remained half caldarium and steam room, and three aristocratic residence. One of them is the Casa del Tablino – were found fragments of mosaic floors and a Casa degli Stucchi preserved wall decorations.

Finally, a popular tourist attraction is the Grotta della Vipera – carved in the rock tomb of the 1-2nd centuries BC, located in the necropolis of Sant Avantaje. The entrance to the cave is made in the form of the facade of a temple with columns, and on both sides of the pediment carved with two snakes – a symbol of family loyalty. These images gave the name burial: Grotta della Vipera from Italian can be translated as the Cave of Snakes. The tomb is dedicated to the wife of a Roman Lucius Cassius Filippo, who, according to legend, begged the gods for life for her seriously ill husband in exchange for his own.

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