Castello Doria Photo: Castello Doria

Castello Doria was built in the heart of the town of Angri in the Italian region of Campania, about 1290, the year when king Charles II of Anjou gave these lands into the possession of his mercenary Pietro Brugherio. The castle stands in a strategically important place and dominates the valley of the river Sarno.

In 1421, the year, during the battle between the Angevin and Aragonese dynasties for the throne of the Kingdom of Naples, the castle was destroyed by Braccio da Montone and rebuilt only a few decades later. During the reconstruction of the castle was built two-storey tower. In the mid-17th century the castle became the property of Prince Marcantonio Doria influential Genoese Doria family, who commissioned the architect Antonio Francesconi to restore the structure. As a result, a fortification was transformed into a Baroque residence, however, the tower and the moat has been preserved. Then latch. began to wear the name Doria. Later, in the second half of the 18th century, the castle was further enlarged – built new balconies and stairs, but there is also a spacious Park with lawns and ancient trees. In 1908, the year of the Castello Doria was purchased by the municipality of Angri and turned into a city Park with a guest house and casino. After the earthquake of 1980, the year the castle was restored and is now considered a true symbol Angri – on site cultural events.

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