Moulin-Forville Photo: Moulin Forville

Moulin-Forville is a small private Museum in Cannes, telling about the culture of Provence. Now get into it hard – it opens to the public only on the first Saturday of every month, and even then usually only in the second half of the day. But, first, tourists find themselves in Cannes in the beginning of the month, and secondly, the municipality promised to turn this place into a city Museum, and then to get here will be much easier.

The Museum is located at the foot of the hill of Le Suquet, on the street Forville, in a former oil mill, where the oil is pressed from olives. At the time this mill was bought and lived in her wonderful man – Victor Tube. A native of Cannes, he studied fine art in Paris, bravely fought in the First world war (for which he was promoted to knights of the Legion of honour and awarded the Military cross), and after the war studied sculpture. In particular, has carved many monuments to famous Cannes cemetery Grand Jas.

However, the main interest is the life of Victor Tube was his native Provence. Based Tube in 1919, the Academy of Provence exists in Cannes and now, her task is the maintenance of national traditions. The Academy teaches children and adults folk songs and dances, and her sewing workshop provides authentic outfits.

Tube decades collecting everything connected with the history of Provence, ancient costumes, books, and various artifacts. The collection was accumulated in his house – a former oil mill Moulin-Forville. Here and now, after the death Tube and his wife, everything remains as it was in front of them. This concern is specially created associations such as enthusiast. Saved and sculpture workshop of the owner, and his laboratory (he studied natural Sciences). The authentic interiors of the daily life of the family Tube exhibited Provencal furniture, dishes, tools, embroidery, clothing. At Christmas, there is generally shown a collection of Nativity scenes – dozens of them, and they always delight visitors.

The city has memorialized the ascetic – near Moulin-Forville there is a Boulevard named after Victor Tube.

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