The musée de La Castre Photo: musée de La Castre

The musée de La Castre on top of Suquet hill is clearly visible from Naberezhnye Cannes: powerful tower of the castle dominates the surroundings. This is the heritage of the medieval city, which remained not so much.

Dvadtsatikilometrovaya the tower was erected by the monks of Lérins Abbey. In 1030, the count of Provence has sold part of its land to the Abbey for the construction of facilities that would help to protect the surrounding area from attacks by pirates and Saracens. Its construction began in 1080. In 1327 between the fortified Abbey of St. Onora and great Suquet tower, as it was called, was even established alarm – notify observers about the danger approaching from the sea. Around the tower was built gradually feudal castle, houses, hospital. In the XVIII century, the castle was partially destroyed. In the revolution ruins adapted housing, then under pottery.

The history of the adjacent Museum dates back to 1877, when the traveler and connoisseur of art Baron Lycklama made the city a generous gift: acquired in the middle East and Central Asia curiosities, the art of Oceania and pre-Columbian America, the rich collection of Antiques. This gift formed the basis of the Museum collection. Later the collection was filled with donations from private collections: so, Baron Alphonse de Rothschild gave a considerable number of paintings.

Almost half a century, the collection was housed in the town hall, but in 1919 the municipality specifically for the Museum bought the castle Castres. His collection for a small seaside town looks unconventional: near the art of East, Oceania, peoples of Alaska, ceramics of pre-Columbian America presents musical instruments of the peoples of the world, landscape painting "small masters" Provence of the nineteenth century, Antiques.

Here you can see the Tibetan and Indian masks, household objects Inuit (aboriginal canadian), Columbian stone sculptures, weapons of the Polynesians. In the lower part of the tower exhibited Sumerian cuneiform tablets, Sidon funerary gold mask. The painting presents "small masters" Cannes of the nineteenth century: paintings by Joseph Contini, Ernest Buttura. A curious portrait of the ancestor of the Museum, the Baron Lycklama, brush Emile Lecomte-Vernet: the Baron is depicted in lush robes Eastern nobles.

Premises adjacent to the tower of the former chapel of St. Anne (the monument of the XII century) brought an impressive collection of musical instruments of Africa, Southeast Asia, South America, Oceania. It exhibits drums, bamboo flutes, singing shell from the Marquesas Islands.

The tourists should climb up on the tower itself. It's not easy: the top lead 119 of steep steps. But from the observation deck offers stunning circular panorama of the sea, the lérins Islands, Cannes, Southern Alps.

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