Villa Domreg Photo: Villa Domreg

To Villa Domers to get is not easy – she is not in the center, and away from the usual tourist trails. But if the tourists get here, they will not regret: their luxurious decor, the garden and the views from the terrace.

This Villa in 1929 architects Emil Molini and Charles Nico had built for the French artist Jean-Gabriel Domergue. The formation of Domerge passed on the legendary Montmartre beginning of XX century. Aspiring artist and a distant cousin of Toulouse-Lautrec, Domel appeared to him to Montmartre and was fascinated prevailed there creative atmosphere. He worked hard and quickly became famous. And during the First world his fame even threatened danger: for a series of lithographs about the atrocities of the Germans, he was convicted in absentia and sentenced them to death.

But by the time of the construction of the Villa Domeng was famous mostly because of the style in which he painted an elegant and fashionably dressed (or half-naked) women. The artist himself claimed that he invented the style of pin-up, later widespread in the United States. Although, of course, his unnaturally thin, with disproportionately long necks, the heroine different from curvaceous American women.

A Villa built in the Italian spirit – Domerge inspired samples of houses that he had seen in the Tuscan town of Fiesole. Therefore the original name of the Villa Fiesole. The artist himself chose the site on the slope of a high hill and the stone for the walls, delved into all the details of the design (not only the residential part of the house, but a workshop, and outbuildings), carefully selected details for a refined interior – even the chandeliers are made by his own design. The artist's wife Odette, a professional sculptor, has developed a magnificent garden: terraces, ponds, waterfalls, antique busts among the cypress-trees and other Mediterranean plants.

The couple bequeathed the Villa to the city. There is often held receptions, exhibitions, official events; usually it is here that the jury at the Cannes film festival is going for final discussion of the results of the competition. From July to September here allowed and tourists. At the Villa you can admire paintings of Doorga and sculptures Odette, on the huge terrace overlooking the city and the Bay of Cannes and the garden – tomb in the Etruscan spirit. This Cenotaph (empty tomb) Odette Domel portrayed husband and myself: he smiles, she's thoughtful, and both look towards the sunset.

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