Water tower Photo: Water tower

In the Northern district of karviná, which is called the Border, you can see the unique technical monument – the water tower, built in 1928. This building in the style of constructivism have long been used for the intended purpose. Within its premises is still possible to see the technical equipment of yesteryear, which is now considered a Museum piece and worthy to exhibit at various exhibitions. Some machines that pump water, still working.

During the Second world war it was damaged by bombing, but was rebuilt. In 1972, the tower ceased to perform their functions and became simply abandoned object, which, however, was attracted to creative people. So, in 1985 at the premises of the water tower held an exhibition devoted to agriculture.

Water tower, built of durable and reliable reinforced concrete brick and resembles a large round pipe, set vertically. It consists of seven floors. On the upper floor is a sump, unfortunately, long out of service.

The tower is quite high (39, 4 meters), so it can be seen from afar. She dominates the whole area and its main attraction. Moreover, some people in the Czech Republic believe that this is the main architectural monument of karviná. The impression they have developed because the city authorities of karviná has put forward exactly this structure for placement of the stamp. That is, in other words, independently decided that this is their main tourist attraction.

Now the tower fell into disrepair so that needs major repairs. To get a tour of the premises of the building will fail, therefore travelers usually just photographed on its background.

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