National history Museum of Moldova Photo: national Museum of history of Moldova

National Museum of history of Moldova was founded in 1983, is located in the historical center of Chisinau. There is a Museum in the former Regional Lyceum – first gymnasium on the territory of Moldova. In front of the Museum is the famous statue of the Roman she-wolf with Romulus and Remus – an exact copy of the monument erected in Rome.

The Museum operates ten exhibition halls with permanent and temporary exhibitions. The permanent exhibition is on the first floor and comprises more than 4 thousand exhibits, which illustrate historical events, cultural life, traditional life of the inhabitants of Moldova. The Dating of items from the Palaeolithic to the present day.

Of particular interest to visitors is the archaeological and numismatic collections, among which are the unique exhibits such as the tip of the war chariot, a bronze candlestick and helmet Goths, Dating back to 4-5 century BC and the first detailed map of Moldova, drawn up in 1781.

The Museum has about 300 000 exhibits (including reservists), collected throughout the country, more than 16 thousand of them are national property of Moldova.

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