National theatre of Opera and ballet of the Republic of Moldova Photo: national theatre of Opera and ballet of the Republic of Moldova

National theatre of Opera and ballet of the Republic of Moldova in Chisinau is a popular venue for various cultural events in the city, which are known as performance artists, and students of the Choreographic College.

The history of the Opera and ballet Theatre began in 1956 with the premiere of the Opera "Grusovin" D. Gersfeld. In 1956-1970 G. was formed the repertoire, covering the works of local authors, world lyrical heritage. By the end of the 70s. the repertoire of the national theatre consisted of four operas: "Heroic ballad" A. Sterchi, "Casa Mare" M. Kopytman, "Aurelia" and "Grusovin" D. Gersfeld, as well as a number of musical pieces of world heritage.

In 1957, the country has an opportunity to create their own ballet company. For this to Leningrad were sent to students: V. Tikhonov, P. Leonardi, V. Poklitaru, W. Salcuta, K. Osadchy. After graduating from the choreography school. A. Y. Vaganova, a group of students returned to his native Chisinau and laid the foundations for the creation of the ballet team. At the time, were invited ballerina G. Melentieva and experienced dancer P. Fesenko. The first ballet performance staged on the stage of the Moldavian theater of Opera - "the fountain of Bakhchisarai", whose author was Boris Asafiev. After some time in the Opera repertoire includes the following ballets: "Straussian", "Walpurgis night" by Gounod, "vain precaution" Gertel and "Swan lake" by Tchaikovsky.

During 1970-1991, the theatre continued to develop and flourish: enriched repertoire, joined by new actors, improved technical equipment and so on. As a result, the Opera and ballet theatre of Chisinau became one of the best of the USSR. In 1980, for cultural institutions was granted a new building on the street Stefan cel Mare. The construction of this building engaged architects L. Smoking and A. Gorshkov.

In 1990 there was a very important event in the cultural life of Moldova launched the art project of the international festival of Opera and ballet "M. Bieshu Invites". Thanks to this Opera and ballet art in the country has reached a new level, greatly expanding their opportunities and horizons.

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