Cologne zoo Photo: Cologne zoo

Cologne zoo is a favorite destination for not only tourists but also locals. It is equally interesting for both children and adults. Cozy, attractive Park in a classic style leaves no positive emotions a single person. Enter a world of animals, you can plunge into the atmosphere of the past, present. Zoo officials seek not only to preserve historical details, but they employ the latest technology achievements.

In the Cologne zoo is impossible to see animals behind bars, here they are separated from the visitors by moats, glass, instead of the usual paths here are the contact enclosures, and conservatories. This wonderful zoo was founded in 1856, his first port of call was the Elephant house, which was built in the Moorish style. Many years later, in 2004 in Cologne zoo built a second Elephant house, which has taken about 10% of the total area. Now here you can see Asian elephants.

The zoo in Cologne is one of the most famous in Europe, the number of different fauna from different parts of the globe is really impressive. Among the animals here you can find a large number of primates, tree-kangaroo, Siberian tigers, Indian rhinos, red pandas, etc. deserves Special attention is a rare and unusual Hornbill, which can be seen by everyone.

Cologne zoo has a large collection of representatives of the tropical jungle and insects placed in a special building called the "Insectarium". In order to fully explore the zoo, you will need a lot of time, necessarily need to visit the house of the island of Madagascar, home of giraffes, predators, black lemurs and other amazing animals.

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