The Cathedral of Cosenza Photo: Cathedral of Cosenza

The Cathedral of Cosenza, bearing the name of Santa Maria Assunta, was built around the first half of the 11th century, although the exact date of its construction is unknown. The Cathedral stands in the historic centre of Cosenza in Piazza Duomo, close to Corso Telesio. In 1981, the year he received the status of the sanctuary of the Madonna del Pierio, and in 2011, the year - was included in the UNESCO world Cultural Heritage site by UNESCO.

The history of the Cathedral is marked by numerous reconstructions and modifications. The first Cathedral was built in Romanesque style, but in June 1184 year it was destroyed during the terrible earthquake and rebuilt only in 1222, the year, by the canons of Cistercian architecture. Then, in the 13th century, it was consecrated in the presence of Holy Roman Emperor Friedrich II. Interestingly, the architect responsible for the restoration of the Cathedral, was the Bow of Campania, who later became Archbishop of Cosenza. In 1748, the year of Santa Maria Assunta has undergone another renovation of the Cathedral gained its Baroque features, which obscured its original form. Unfortunately, during the reconstruction of the Church disappeared a number of decorating her works of art. In 1831, the year the facade of the Church was rebuilt in neo-Gothic style, and in 1886, the year the Gothic appearance has also received the transept and choir.

Today in the Cathedral, in the transept, one can see the tomb of Isabella of Aragon, wife of the French king Philip III. Long side of the nave of the Church connects it with the Palazzo Arcivescovile, the Archbishop's Palace, which houses the painting of Luca Giordano "Immaculate conception". There you can admire the amazing beauty of Staurothele, donated by Emperor Frederick II in honor of the consecration of the Cathedral – it was made in Imperial jewellery workshops in mixed Muslim-Byzantine style.

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