The Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy Photo: the Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy

The main part of the buildings belonging to the complex of the Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy in Dijon, was erected in the XVII-XVIII centuries, but in this architectural ensemble is the earlier buildings. Each part of this complex represents the different stages in the life of the Grand Duchy and its rulers.

The oldest of them is the lordly tower, which was started in 1365 during the reign of Philip the Brave. In this tower housed the chambers of Philip himself, beautifully furnished and richly decorated. But there were times when the tower served as a prison for prisoners of noble birth. Another tower was built by Philip the Good, of Burgundy from 1419, and was therefore named after him. Its height is 52 meters.

Dijon Palace was the residence of the Dukes of Burgundy, and in part became a memorial to some of them. If the remains of Philip the Good are buried in the Cathedral of Dijon, the tombs of Philip the Brave Fearless and Jean are stored in one of the halls of the Palace Hall of the Guards. The gravestones were moved to the Palace of the former tombs of the Dukes of Burgundy in the monastery Anmol, founded in the XIV century by Philip Doughty, who also became the founder of the Duchy of Burgundy. The tombstones were made by the sculptor Claus Lutera, who was also the author of the decorations of the buildings of the monastery Anmol.

Currently the Palace is placed in the walls of a city Museum of fine arts, which was founded in the late XVIII century. And shortly before the opening of the Museum in the building also housed the Dijon school of drawing. This is one of the oldest museums in France, in a meeting which holds works of art from the ancient Egyptian. Special mention deserves a rich collection of Flemish and French painting.

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