The Eski Camii Mosque Photo: Eski Camii Mosque

The oldest building in Edirne and its main attraction can be called Eski Jami or as it is called Old mosque. It is located slightly below the Selimiye mosque and represents at first sight very strange building (first resembling something agricultural). This monument deserves to admire its impressive entrance, made of marble and beautiful fountains. The construction of this mosque, located on the square Huriet, began in 1403, by order of the Emir süleyman çelebi and was completed in 1414 during the reign of his son Sultan Mehmed Celebi (Celebi is translated as "applicant").

Built Eski Jami was in the traditional renniassance architecture style under the guidance of architect Haji Aladdin from Konya of hewn limestone, in places supplemented by alternating layers of stone and brick, typical of ancient architecture.

The appearance of the mosque resembles the architecture of Bursa. Topped with the building of nine semicircular domes. Oddly enough, only one of the domes has a light box. Opposite the mosque is located a 14-year-domed indoor market (Bedesten), built of red and processed white stone in 1417-1418, the same architect.

The mosque has two adjoining minaret. It is a square building with four pillars and was built in the style of the Byzantine Church. Behind the mosque there are two tombstones of the pedestal: one small - about the grave of the wife of Ottoman Sultan Bayezid II (1481-1512 years), which dethroned the youngest son of Selim I the terrible (1512-1520.), famous for his cruelty in the Ottoman Empire. Another monument, revered by the people as sacred and to this day, dedicated to Mehmed-Bey.

The interior of the mosque combines vegetable vignettes and the Arab inscriptie, a stunning combination of red and white arches that seem to be applied over the entire brush with mascara. Columns of it are clearly of Roman origin. Most likely, in this place once upon a time there was a kind of antique construction, was partially destroyed afterwards. Some of the surviving elements of this building are an organic part Eski Jami.

On the end wall of the mosque caused the Ottoman Swan is a symbol of faith, next to which there is an inscription: "there is No God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet! ".

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