Trinity Church Photo: Trinity Church

Yale the Church of the Holy Trinity is an ancient wooden Church and the oldest house in Yelsk. The Church was built in 1780 on the initiative and at the expense of Casimir Askeri specifically for locally venerated the miraculous icon Vaskovitchi of the Mother of God.

The icon was miraculously discovered by a farmer searching for his lost cattle in the forest, in 1760. He saw a marvellous light emanating from the crown of wild pear tree, which was an unusual icon of the Mother of God. The miraculous discovery learned the peasants and began to come to pray to her. Surprisingly, no requests, if they proceeded from a pure heart and did not contain evil, remained unanswered. For icons built a chapel, to which people flocked.

In 1817, the miraculous icon was transferred to Elsk in Trinity Church. Since then the temple like sidestep all war, strife and revolution. Neither in the First nor in the Second world war wooden Church was not damaged. Of course, it tried to close during the Soviet era, but closed it stood for very long.

During the great Patriotic war, the Trinity Church was a place of grief. Here executed partisans and rebellious of local residents who tried to resist the new authorities.

In our days the Trinity Church was restored. To the miraculous icon again pulled pilgrims. Interestingly, during the reign of godlessness, the miraculous icon was gone to who knows where. Only during the restoration in 2008 under the masking layer jewelry unknown list was discovered genuine Viskovicka icon of the Mother of God.

When the Trinity Church is famous throughout the neighborhood Church choir. Operates children's Sunday school.

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