Plesetsk waterfalls Photo: Plesetsk waterfalls

Plesetsk waterfalls are on the red river (right part of the river Pshada), on that portion of its valley, which foresters and hunters are called Bases.

The river begins on the Eastern slopes of mount Popeye and flows to the South-East between Church ridge mountains and an array Pshada. The waterfalls are located above sea level at the height of from 240 to 270 meters. in the area there are 13 waterfalls, 8 of which are located on the Red river, and the rest in the mouth of two of its right tributaries, and in line with its left tributary. Are all the waterfalls a short distance from each other.

Rapkin is the lowest and the biggest falls within this group. The greatest height of his waterfall ledge is 9 m, while the height of the waterfall jet may be somewhat less since the bottom of the river to the left Bank sloping and the height of the ledge here less. The second highest and the most upstream of the waterfall is a Waterfall at the mouth of the Creek (a tributary of the red river). Plumb this waterfall is 7 m. the Height of the other waterfalls ranges from 0, 9 to 4, 5 m.

Above the mouth Cockery of the Creek empties into Gorlanov where there are more than ten waterfalls in height from 4 to 10 m. In turn, the upper reaches of the river Than known as "the gorge 40 waterfalls", most of them impassable. There are waterfalls up to 15-17 m.

On the right tributary of the river Pshada - the Black river is particularly known Papisca waterfalls. The distance from the village the Black village Dr falls is 2-3 km In the beginning you can meet small rapids and rapids, but then there are the waterfalls, which reach heights of 3 m, and a little higher – up to 8 m. the Falls are surrounded by cliffs up to 25 m. after 10 m is another ledge with a drop of water jets of up to 7 m. Above you can see several waterfalls, each of which has a height of 4-6 m.

In the confluence of Padu Mill Creek, not far from the tourist shelter "Climbing", is a 7-metre waterfall with a gorgeous pool.

Power Plesetsk waterfalls are in full depending on the condition of forest vegetation on the valley slopes and amounts of precipitation.

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