Charterhouse Photo: Charterhouse

The Carthusian monastery is located 2, 5 km North-East from the centre of Granada, among the bright green gardens. Although the facade of the building is viewed several architectural styles, Charterhouse is a vivid example of the Baroque in Spanish architecture.

The decision on the establishment of the monastery was taken in 1458. The construction itself began in 1506 after the great commander of that time Gonzalo de Cordoba gave the land for these purposes. Work on the construction of the monastery lasted for 300 years and ended in 1835. Unfortunately, the monastery is not completely preserved part of the monastery complex was destroyed. In 1836 part of the lands belonging to the monastery, was sold to private individuals. In this regard, the cells belonging to the monks, were destroyed. Was also destroyed and the beautiful Abbey house.

The monastery consists of several parts, each of which affects the beauty of execution and grandeur. The main entrance, Dating back to the 16th century, made in the plateresque style. The refectory with semicircular arches, also Dating from the 16th century, and the hall of the apostles Peter and Paul painted the paintings of Juan sánchez Khotan. The vestry established in 1727, is decorated with a magnificent dome, painted in 1753 by the artist Thomas Ferrer, and patterns of attribution to fray Francisco de Morales. Particularly noteworthy is the Church, which construction on the project Christopher de Vilches lasted from the 16th to the beginning of the 18th century. Choirs of the Church are separated by a crystal door, created by Jose Vasquez and decorated with inlays of ivory, a tree, a unique species, as well as silver and other valuable metals. On the walls hang works by the artist Pedro Atanasio Bocanegra, tells about the life of the virgin.

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