The Alhambra Palace Photo: The Alhambra Palace

The Alhambra is the most famous monument of Moorish art in Spain – was built during the reign of the nasrid dynasty. The Palace was built of wood, ceramic tile and plaster. Each ruler brought some changes in this complex of buildings and courtyards. After the Reconquista, Charles V ordered the destruction of part of the Palace and build in its place another Palace and a Church. From this period the Alhambra fell into disrepair, she had ransacked it and had a few fires. For the restoration of the Palace started only in the late nineteenth century.

The Palace of Charles V is distinguished by its massiveness. But inside square structures (60x60 m) hides one of the most beautiful Renaissance courtyards in Spain. This creation of toleda Pedro machuca, who had studied in Italy, perhaps Michelangelo. Round the yard in a simple style with a double row of columns (Doric below, ionic above) has a diameter of 30 meters. Now in the Palace of Charles V is located the Museum of fine arts and the Museum of Hispano-Muslim art.

Lion yard is a fabulous courtyard, built by Muhammad V, framed arches of 124 graceful columns. In the center of the courtyard fountain, the bowl of which is supported by 12 stone lions. According to an old legend in the Hall Abencerrajes by order of the Emir was beheaded 100 family members Abencerrajes as a punishment for the fact that one of them fell in love with the concubine of the Emir. The Royal hall, where feasts and festivals, famous for its unique ceiling decorated with paintings on the skin on jousting and hunting scenes. The Myrtle reservoir patio surrounded by hedges of Myrtle and graceful arcades. From the oldest buildings of the Alhambra – Palacio del Partal – remained only an arched portico and tower.

On the North side of the Alhambra are the Generalife gardens. Here the rulers could hide from the sun and Palace intrigues. The gardens were planted back in the XIII century, but their layout has changed several times.

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