The Grodno Museum of history of religion Photo: Grodno Museum of history of religion

Belarusian state Museum of the history of religion founded in Grodno in 1977 as the national Museum of atheism and the history of religion. Under Soviet rule it was located in the former convent of the Nativity of the virgin. In 1989, the Museum was renamed the Belarusian state Museum of the history of religion.

In 1994 the building of the monastery was returned to the believers, and the monastery of the Nativity of the virgin resumed its existence. After reconstruction, which lasted from 1994 to 2009, the exhibition was moved to the Palace Karol Hreptovich – a monument of history and architecture, built in the styles of Baroque and classicism 1740 buildings.

The exposition of the Museum reveals the history of the religions of the peoples living on the territory of modern Belarus. Every religion here devoted their section, which, in turn, divided into time intervals. The Museum presents rare works of art, religious objects, and rare books. The Museum of the history of religion has a library with more than 15 thousand volumes.

In addition to the permanent exposition, the Museum regularly hosts exhibitions dedicated to religious holidays. So, Easter was an exhibition of Easter eggs, and Christmas – traditional Christmas miniatures.

The Museum of history of religion guided tours, fun activities, meetings with prominent religious leaders and chamber concerts of sacred music. Works lectures, whose task is to provide the public with the history and trends of modern religions.

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