Senate square Photo: Senate square

Senate square with its surrounding buildings designed by C. L. Engel. All the buildings were erected in the period 1818-1852, the Main merit of the architect that he managed to rugged hills and cliffs of the terrain to create the same harmonious ensemble, which was built by Russian craftsmen on the Neva plains. "White city of the North" - so Helsinki was called in the nineteenth century. Senate square is one of the architectural ensembles of Europe, is clearly fulfilled in the framework of neo-classicism.

In the center of the Senate square stands the monument to Russian Emperor Alexander II. In 1863 he introduced the Finnish mark and the Finnish government made a par with Swedish. Alexander II is depicted in the form of a guards officer during the speech. Around the Imperial figure is a sculptural group: "Law", "World", "Light" and "Work". The monument is a typical example of the Finnish sculptural art of the XIX century. The sculpture is made of bronze, and the pedestal of red granite.

The building of the State Council is one of the Central structures of the Senate square. The building was completed in 1822 as the building of the Supreme body of local government - the Imperial Senate of Finland. In this building works and the current government of the country.

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