Mount Lantern Photo: Mount Lantern

Mount Lantern in the town of Hot key is located on the banks of the river Psekups near the site of the confluence of the right tributary of the river Hatips. Its height is about 277 m.

In the mouth of the river Cepsi is the village of Fanagoria, and to the South of Fanagoria stalactite caves. It is assumed that their names derive from the name of this mountain. In the Russian language most often assigned a name that is easier to pronounce. In this case, the word "lamp", was "Fanagoria". Although there is another version: in the past in Fanagoria village lived immigrants from Taman, where at the time of A. V. Suvorov was built Fanagoria fortress. Therefore, it may well be that settled in the new place, "Fanagoria" could give him the name of his previous residence.

On top of the mountain Lantern is a monument to the defenders of the Caucasus and the marble plaque commemorating sailors 76th Naval brigade, who fought heroically on the turn against the Nazi troops.

The landscape around mount Light strikes a solid cover growing fraxinella. In the air is the scent of essential oils from plants. Fraxinella is quickly flammable perennial herb, so it is also very often referred to as the burning Bush or gas plant. The leaves of fraxinella pinnate leaves resemble ordinary ash. The flowers are quite large, up to 2, 5 cm in diameter, pinkish-purple or white with purple veins. In the Caucasus will grow fraxinella Caucasian height up to 1 m in ether vapor, emitted by the plant, can cause burns of varying degrees, so it can not touch and smell.

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