The manor of Valuewith Photo: House mansion Valuewith

One of the most eminent local noble families is the family name – Valueva. Rod Valuewith is of Lithuanian origin. One of Valueva - Ivan Semenovich in the 17th century was a land owner in Velikoluksky district, and in the middle of the 18th century, the grandson of Ivan S. (Stephen M.) bought land in Ostrovsky and Pskov districts, thereby extending their possessions. After retiring with the rank of major General, Stepan M. Valuev, settled in the village And and began vigorously to establish their own household. Built in 1764, brick house is a Palace, with two floors, has been preserved to our days. Thanks to its elegant architectural treatment caused a large number of the rumors. There is a perception that built this Palace by Rastrelli himself, however, has not been documented.

House Valuewith was considered to be the best in the immediate vicinity of the Island and repeatedly served as a stopping place for the night dignitaries, makes a journey to Russia and Europe. In 1780 the estate Valuewith few days was visited by Catherine II, later in 1840 stayed here Nicholas I. it Is believed that here A. S. Pushkin visited. According to rumors, no room in the house had no recurrence in its decoration. Unfortunately, from the former luxury few that remained: the broken pompous porticos, lost Grand steps, molded and sculpted details were only on one end of the facade.

The owners began to build in his estate a temple, and in 1767 arranged and sanctified the house Church of the Epiphany in the house. The Church occupied only one room is small, the height of the room reached seven meters, which gave the opportunity to establish a choir for singers. Six paintings by the artist Droulera, a native of France, decorated iconostasis. Valueva, often host to famous guests and royalty, not save money on interior decoration of the Palace: here you could see a Chinese mosaic, mirror, tiled stoves, painted with flowing ribbons and hovering cupids, gilded stucco. All artworks and art, and were carved by masters, specially discharged from St. Petersburg.

The entourage was also consistent with the status of owners: the Park was a real work of landscape art, with a mandatory plan elements, and decorative attributes. Its elegant component was the small size of the pond, the pond bottom was lined with tiles, with the consequence that the water was struck by the crystal transparency. Interesting and unusual feature of the landscape - "live" sundial, were formed out of the twelve spruce trees planted in a circle. The role of the "clockwise" was carried out by a tree located in the center.

In 1865, the estate was inherited by collegiate Secretary Alex Valuev made in the shape of a house adjustments. The building was reconstructed: the main façade, which faces the river the great, was built a porch with a balcony and down to the river stairs. The stairs were decorated with stone sculptures of sphinxes.

However, the absolute heyday of the estate reached under Alexander A. and Mary Ivanovna, his wife. Comfortably and safely proceeded in the life estate until the early fifties of the nineteenth century. In 1856 was seized all the property Valuev for wasteful and chaotic management of the estates" - that was the beginning of the collapse. Growing debts, there wasn't enough money for basic necessities, the estate began rapidly to decline.

In the late nineteenth century the estate was bought by S. M. Neklyudov, at the time a large landowner. After the revolution of 1917 and 1968 it housed an orphanage, but our time at the manor is a vocational school.

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