The Monument Claudia Nazarova Photo: Monument Claudia Nazarova

Feat Claudia Nazarova, Ludmila Filipova, Alexander Kozlovsky, Anna Ivanova, Serebrennikova Oleg Sudakov Lion and Korniliev Paul is known throughout Russia. These people are in their teenage years, literally since the first days of the fascist German occupation of the Island began to actively and effectively engage in a fierce struggle for the full liberation of his native land.

Claudia Ivanovna Nazarov was not only the organizer and leader of the Komsomol underground organization temporarily in Nazi-occupied town of the Island. This courageous woman was born in the month of October 1920 in the Island, in the family of a peasant. Claudia graduated ten classes, and the first course of Institute of physical culture in Leningrad. He then worked at the secondary school №5 for posts older pioneer, and at the time of the occupation of the Island by the invaders worker in the sewing room.

Claudia Nazarov became the participant of the great Patriotic war from the very beginning, i.e. since 1941. She organized and headed the Komsomol underground organization, which had in 1941. Patriots of the Soviet Union has distributed numerous leaflets urged residents of the Island to provide full resistance to the invaders, and collected ammunition and weapons. Young Soviet partisans assisted in the rescue of more than fifty wounded prisoners of war and passed in a partisan division most valuable weapons, and intelligence.

Young members of the underground were able to communicate with numerous partisans, to collect, process, and passed the most valuable and relevant information about the location of the enemy. Detachment Claudia Nazarova brought the power down, burned down the building that housed the police Department of the enemy. In that place, where was carried out the shooting, is now a plaque.

November-the month Nazarov Claudia Ivanovna was arrested by the invaders. 12 December 1942 took place the execution of the heroine of the Nazi executioners in the heart of the city – on the Central square of the Island. Starting from the 7th November until the day of execution, the German Nazis kept the girl in the dungeon, and then realized that no torture of it not to make a word, decided to publicly execute directly on the marketplace, in order to teach a lesson to all residents of the city. For three days the Germans were not allowed to remove the girl's body from the gallows, but soon decided her grave, hoping to hunt down the members of the organization. Funeral Nazarova Claudia took place in her hometown.

The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree dated August 20, 1945, according to which for exemplary and proper implementation of all operational tasks command in the rear of the troops, and manifested during the operation of the courage and heroism of Claudia Ivanovna Nazarova posthumously assigned honorary title of hero of the Soviet Union. Also Claudia Nazarova won the award in the form of the order of Lenin.

May 19, 1963 in the city, the Island features the famous monument to Soviet heroine under the direction of architect V. A. Bubnovsky and sculptor N. And. Strakhov.

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